Sunday 4 February 2018

The Jew of Malta

What kind of political circumstances in the play? The Political situation in Malta is worse because of the some political leaders.It is a home of Christian People where Jews has no rights to live in peacefully.However,Malta has to pay the tribute to the Turks in this way they will get save passage to everything.
Name the plays of Marlowe?
1.Tamburlaine the Great,
2.Doctor Faustus,
3.The Jew of Malta,
4.The Tragedy of Edward II.
What are the religious groups mentioned in play?
There are three religious groups ,Jews, Christians and Muslim Turks.
Why the term 'Machiavellian'is used again and again in the play?
It is used in negative sense to symbolize the evil of politics .It is also connected with deceit.It is used here to get the readers attention .
Describe the Character of Abigall? She is the daughter of Barabs .She has loving feelings for Katherine's son Mathias.
Describe the themes of the play? Love and lies,Power,religion,revenge are the main themes .

What are the careful thoughts of Barabas?
His primary goals are money, and his only daughter.but with the time his goal is to achieve the materialistic world by any means and forgot his daughter,Abigail.His purpose reveal the dark side of the the system.However,he continues to take revenge from his enemy named Ferneze and fell in the river of deceit.

Who was the Vice-admiral to the Catholic King of Spain?
Martin del Bosco

Who seized Barabas' all property ?
Ferneze,he is the governor of Malta who made a call to seized all the Jew's property to pay the money to the Turks.

What do you know about Lodowick?
He is the son of Governor of Malta and has true love feelings for Abigall.

What is the name of Baraba's Slave?

Who was Abigall's first and second conversion to Christianity?
The Abbess of Nunnery was her first and Second conversion to Christianity was Friar Barnardine.

Who was Turkish Leader ?
Calymath ,is the son of Sultan.

Who made Barabas impatient with stock of gold?
Ferneze,he is the governor of Malta who made a call to seized all the Jew's property to pay the money to the Turks.That is why he is very impatient with pack of gold in his house.
Who counts religion as a childish toy?.
Machiavelli ,according to him religion is nothing but a simple toy in the hands of religious priests.It is tool to manipulate society.

Who was Bellamira?
She is beautiful lady and her aim is to seduce Ithamore for his master's fortune.

Who is Pilia-Borza to Bellamira?
She is maid to her .

Excess of wealth is cause of covetousness''How?
It is spoken by Ferneze .He accuses Barabas .He says richness guides People to do wrong.
Who destroyed Turkish army ?
Barabas covertly plans with Ferneze to murder all of the Turks .His plan is successful but Ferneze deceived him.The army is destroyed and Barabas is killed in the hands of Ferneze.
Who is Barabas?
He is the hero of the play .He is a wealthy Who wants his revenge against his enemies.He loved money more than his daughter.

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