Saturday 17 March 2018

Short Story Short Questions

Short Story Short Questions

Written by: Yasir Qadri
Once Upon a Time
The Man of the Crowd
The Man who lived in a Shell
The Man Who Loved the island
The Dead
The Voice
The Judgement
My son the Fanatic
Once Upon a Time
Who is Nadine Gordimer?
She is from South Africa and has literary traits. She was awarded the 1991 Noble Prize in Literature. Her writings have a main focus on racial issues and moral values. Her first published work was a short story for children” The Quest for seen gold”
Briefly describe the Story “Once Upon a Time”?
It is a modern fairy tale it describes the story a once happy family living in South Africa who tries to protect themselves from the rest of the population of another color. The family in this story has an overwhelming fear of the outside world. The story also tells that human beings create their own destruction.
What is the irony in this story?
The irony is that everything the parents do to protect their homes becomes useless for instance, the ultimate destruction is when the boy is killed by barbed wire.
Name the person Who is called as a “Wise old witch”?
The Mother in law is described as the wise old witch.

Describe the theme of the story?
Sense of insecurity and fear is the prevailing theme. The story conveys the bitter truth of life that modern and material life has deprived people of peace and security. People are afraid of their own people at every, moment.

The Man of the Crowd
What do you know about Edgar Allan Poe?
He was an American author. He has invented the detective genre. He also wrote, humor tales and satires. His themes are death, Crime, and mourning.
Name the sitting Place of the Author?
D-Coffee house….

Briefly describe the character of the old man?     
The old man of 65 to 70 years. He Is unnamed, still, he occupies the central place in the story. The old man was short in stature and apparently very thin. His clothes were very filthy and ragged. He was having a dagger in his hand. He is the man of the crowd. He refuses to be alone.
Why the Narrator decides to follow the old man?
Because he wants to understand something unusual about the old man.
Describe the Role OF the Narrator?
The Narrator plays a strange, yet exciting part in the story. He follows the old man in many streets but find nothing.

What kind of People were in his observation?
He observes the people who were businessmen. All the People, he firstly observes, were noblemen, merchants and tradesmen.
What classes of people are mentioned in the story?
He observes the two classes of the clerks. The first class is of the junior clerks who are young gentlemen with tight-coats, bright coats, well-oiled hair, the other class of clerks is of seniors and they are bald headed.
Describe the importance of Principal theater?
It is the place where the author and the old man come face to face.
Why old man afraid of himself?
The old man afraid of himself, therefore, he always wants to be in a crowd, he feels satisfied. Outside the crowd, he feels himself like a fish out of water.

The Man who lived in a Shell
What do you know about the writer?
Anton Pavlovich Chekhov was from Russian.He is  short story writer,dramatist and physician,
Who is the Protagonist of the Story?
Mr. Balikov .
Describe the story?
It is a story about a special group of people who always spend their lives in a shell and don’t see beyond themselves. They welcome no opportunities and remain unclosed. 

What is the topic of discussion between Belikov and Ivan ivanich?
They talk about a woman ‘Mavra, who never comes out of her home she always in her own world. 
What is the Profession of Mr. Ivan?
He is a doctor of animal.
Who was the servant of Mr. Belikov?
His servant was Afanasy.He did not hire a maid-servant due to the fear of notions. He was even afraid of Afanasy that he might kill him some day.
What is the theme of the story?
Psychological fear and skepticism is the central theme of the story.
Who was the singer?
Varenka is the singer in the story who always sings Ukrainian songs.
Who is the Greek Teacher in the Story?
Belikov, He is a bachelor of forty years of age. He is the man who lives in the shell. He keeps almost all his things in a case. His room is like a box where he lives. He remains isolated. He is man who doesn’t like changes. His routine is strictly disciplined.

Explain the Role of Varya?
Varya is tall and noisy, loves the spirit of life. She belongs to rich family. She is the sister of a new school teacher of History who has come to stay in Belikov’s school. Everyone thinks that Belikov and Varya will make good couple and they should marry soon.
Character sketch of Mikhail Kavalenko?
He is a teacher of History at Balikov’s School. He is young tall and Dark. In the story he pushes Belikov and he falls down from the stairs as he does not like the interference of Belikov in his life in the form of his advices.

 What is the views of Chekhov on Shells of Human?
He says “we all have our shells; Chekhov seems to be saying. we all have limitations on our ability to love or to be open to others “

The Dead
Briefly describe the story ‘The Dead’?
The dead is short story about three musician’s ladies, about their gathering parties who are representative of Irish hospitality. The second part of the story is about the memory of the dead man.
Who were Musical masters?
Three ladies Aunt Julia, Aunt Kate, and their niece Mary were musical masters. There are many pupils of Marty who came to her to learn music.
Who mentioned the poet Robert Browning?
Who was Gabriel’s Dance partner?
Miss Ivors, she was Irish nationalist.

What was the Mr. Darcy Song?
He was singing the song “The Lass of Aughrim, at the party. Gretta says that song reminds her the time when she was girl in Galway and has lover named Michael .
Define the Imagism?
Imagism was a movement in poetry founded around 1912 by the American exile poet Ezra pound, along with Hilda Doolittle and Richard Aldington.
Character of Gabriel?
Gabriel, the nephew of Julia and Kate Morkan and cousin of Mary jane, is the main character of the story. He is young man, married Gretta, she comes from Galway, a rural reign of western Ireland, and father of two, Eva Conroy, his daughter and Tom Conroy his son. He writes reviews for the “Daily Express’. He is literary person and an English Professor. And Constantine Conroy is his brother. Ellen Conroy she was his mother and She was also Julia and Kate’s older sister. Her husband was T.J. Conroy.
Who accuses Gabriel as west Briton? 
Molly Ivors accuses him.
Who dances the Dance called “Quadrilles”?
Mr. Bergin is one of the young men attending the Morkan’s party. He dances a dance called Quadrilles with Miss Furlong.
Who was the first character introduced in the story?
Lily, she is the caretaker of Morkins.  
Describe the character of Freddy Malins?
A Friend of the Morkins and guest at their party. Freddy has drinking problem.Mrs. Malins is his mother.
What do you know about Mary jane Morkan?
Mary jane is Gabriel Conroy’s cousin. she is the daughter of the now deceased Pat Morkan, was the brother of Kate and Julia, Mary plays the organ on ‘Haddington Road ‘which is the conversational name for a Roman Catholic Church.   
What story Gabriel tells?
The story tells about Patrick Morkan’s horse walking in circles around the statue of King William the 3rd. some critics note that the horse walking around the statue represents the state of Ireland beat into submission by Britain.
What is the theme of the story?
Mutual harmony, confidence, Nationalism, Death, and relations are prominent themes.   

The Voice
 What do you know about The writer?
Sir Victor Sawdon Pritchett (16 December 1900-20 March 1997) was a British writer and Critic. He was particular known for his poems. His Most famous works are “A Cab at the door and Midnight Oil”.

Briefly Describe the Story?
The story is about war of the bomb falls on the church and destroys it but a voice of singing is heard from the was the voice of Morgan who was an evil ex-priest and was removed from the church office as he had a bad repute. Morgan was in the church when the bomb was dropped on it.
Who is Mr. Frank Lewis?
He is the priest of the church. He was very strict in his mode of religious life. He is fanatic. He thinks himself to be chosen, morally perfect, and spiritually superior to others.
Who gets Stuck in the Rubbles?
Morgan, He was not so particular about religion. He gets Stuck in the rubble produced by the shelling on the church.  He has been dismissed from the church for his evil practices. He doesn’t have good moral character.
What is the moral of the story?
The moral of the story is to forget and forgive and accept people as they are with all their virtues and vices.

What is the main theme of the story?
The story highlights the theme of forgiveness and mutual love as developed under pressure and hard circumstances. All people are equal in terms of pain and adversity. And death is another theme the writer proves that death brings man down to earth. All illusions of man about himself break away. 
Why Lewis wanted to save Morgan?
To win popularity and to satisfy his spiritual vanity, he risks his own life to bring out Morgan.
Why Morgan dismissed from the job?
Morgan was the e-priest of the demolished church. He was dismissed from the holy service because he was habitual and excessive drunkard.

Why Morgan came to the Church building?
He told Lewis fairly that he had got his own key to the church and he had often come at night to the church building for drinking his whisky peacefully.
                                                          The Judgement
what do you know about Franz Kafka?
He was a German writer novelist and short story writer. Kafka was one of the best story writer of the 20th century writer.
Briefly describe the story?
The story start when Georg Bendemann, tries to write a letter to a friend .Geroge has not seen his friend for three years. He wanted to discuss about his details of his life. After composing the letter, Georg checks on his father. He discusses the letter with him His father accuses him of being weak and evil man he orders him to drown and prove that he is obedient he commits suicide.
What is the name of Georg Fiancé?
 Fraulein Frieda.
Why Georg wanted to write a letter?
We wanted to write a letter to his friend about his engagement to miss Fraulien Frieda.
 Why Georg’s father accuses...?
His father feels that Georg is still immature and cannot run the business although he is doing fine with his business.
What is Georg father’s name?
He is called Senior Bendemann. He is very old and takes full interest in the business along with his son.

The judgment as a psychological story?
The story explores the psychological and spiritual elements of the relationship between a father and a son. 
Does Georg love his father?
He loves and respects his father and does not want to burden him with his own personal problems.
What are the themes of the story?
Death, art, isolation, personal failure, generation gap, and the difficulty of father son relationship.
My son the Fanatic
Who is the writer of this story?
Hanif Qureshi (December 5, 1954) is an English writer playwright, screenwriter and filmmaker, novelist and short story writer. His themes are immigration, race, nationalism, and sexuality.
What Pervez Friends said about his Son?
They come to the conclusion that his son might be addicted to drugs and that he sells his properties to buy drugs.
Who was Bettina?
A prostitute, who often drives with Pervez and she has become confidant friend of Pervez.

What Bettina instruct about his Son Ali?
Pervez tells about his son strange things because he is addicted. Bettina instructs Pervez to observe his son to find out if there is anything physically wrong with him.
What physical change has occurred in Ali’s Personality?  
The only physical change his father has seen is that Ali is growing beard .He notices that Ali prays five times a day, though he had not been brought up religious.   
Why Ali criticizes his Father?
In his opinion his father breaks the rules of holy Quran by drinking alcohol and eating pork and also he follows western civilization.
Why Ali gave up his studies?
From his point of view, Western education cultivates an anti-religious attitude.
Character of Pervez?
Pervez is middle aged man who are migrated to England from Lahore. He is a taxi driver.
Who is the person who thrashed Ali?
In the end of the story Pervez gives a good thrashing to his son and his son asks him who is the fanatic now. Pervez is unable to answer him while he knows that he himself has been the victim of fanaticism.

The Man Who Loved island
Who is D.H. Lawrence?
He  was an English novelist, poet, playwright, and literary critic.
What do you know about story?
In this story Lawrence talks about a man who is passionately in love with islands. The islander is a very different person. He was born on an island but it did not suit him because many other people were there. He wanted an island all of his own, so that he could make it a world of his own.
 What was the title of Islander?
The master, People call him with this name because he brought them there in this little peaceful paradise. 
With whom islander discuss the island’s affairs?
With Bailif.
Who established Library on the island?
The islander establishes a library there he has also books concerning with names of flowers mentioned by Greek and Latin authors.
What were the sufferings on the first island?
One Morning a boy comes and tells that a cow has fallen from a cliff and has dead. Then leg of man is broken, the pigs suffer from strange diseases
 What is the real name of Master?
Mr. Catheart.
What is the name of Master wife?
Flora, and they have a daughter.

Why islander don’t want to live with other people?
The islander is strange man as he was born on an island and he did not like those who lived around him because he complains that there are too many people around him. He wants to make a world of his own so he searches for another island which may suit him.
Who bought the Master’s island?
Master sells the island to a hotel company which plans to turn it into a honeymoon and golf island.
How many people were on the other island with master?

Master moves onto the smaller island, which still belongs to him, taking along a few faithful staff, an old carpenter, and a widow and her daughter.

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