Friday 13 July 2018

Middle Ages short Questions

What kind of poems was famous during the Middle Ages? • Religious lyrics
• Popular ballads
• Narrative poems
• Secular poems
• Courtly love

What is mystery plays?
The Situations and different circumstances of these plays were taken from the Bible. the actors of this play were monks and priests. it had five scenes or acts.
Define Miracle plays or Saint's Plays? These were the plays which had shown the life and actions of saints.

What is Morality play?
These plays had taught the morality to people and some specific lessons for a better life.

Who were the important figures of Middle age?
• Geoffrey Chaucer(The Canterbury Tales)
• William Langland (Piers Plowman, Prince Prigio)
• John Gower(Confessio Amantis,)
• Pearl Poet (Pearl, Cleanness)

Who was the grandfather of Drama and Novel?
There was no drama and novel in this age, but historians believed that Chaucer'a Prologue to the Canterbury Tales and his Troilus and Criseyde has the elements of English Novel and drama.
Was reading a book in the middle ages important? No, most of English poets narrates the story in front of the people as there was no tradition of reading.
What was the dominating institution in the middle period? Feudalism and religion.
Who introduced the printing press in the Middle Ages? William Caxton 1476.

Who was the king William? He was known as William the Conqueror. He fought against the Saxons and exiled them from England and killed their king named, Harold.
What do you understand by Norman conquest? It was the end of Anglo Saxons. They had been defeated in the battle of Hastings.It was the great war fought between Harold and Willaim the Norman.

When French became the dominant language in England?
when William conquered the Crown of England,the traditions and values of France came with him. so that was the time when it becomes dominant.

Who launched the Feudal system in England in 1066? William the Conqueror launched the feudal system, in this way the property of people belongs to the Crown.

Which War fought in the middle age? Hundred years war, it was the war between two kingdoms, France and this war, 3.5 million people had been killed.

What was the reason behind 100 years war? Edward III wants to rule on France. the reason behind was the death of Charles IV who died without an heir. Edward III believe that he had the right to be the king of France but Philip VI of France didn't accept the foreigner king.

Who won the hundred year war? France .

What impacts had Black death created in the middle ages? it was the great pestilence in the Middle English period. it had killed 25 million people in Europe. It had created a great impact on the people who were disbelievers. but after this pestilence, people were gathered to accept every institution which was meant to preach the message of God.

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