Wednesday 26 December 2018

PPSC Preparation Important Questions

Who is called Poets of Poet and who gave the title?
 Edmund Spencer, he was the poet who is being called Poets of Poet.and the title was given by Charles Lamb.

What are comedy plays written by Shakespeare?
  • A Midsummer Night Dream
  • Much Ado about nothing 
  • Twelfth night
  • Measure for Measure
  • The Merchant of Venice
  • All's well that ends well
  • Cymbeline 
  • The comedy of Errors.

How would you elaborate the term Pseudo Classicism?
In the eighteenth century, most of the writers in England wrote the literature by following the ancient classical writers.they had the desire to imitate the work of ancient writers.

Can you tell us what is the soul of Tragedy?
Following are the soul of tragedy;
  • Plot
  • Sufferings
  • Conflicts
  • Hamartia 
  • Tragic ending.

What is Tottle's Miscellany"?imp
It is a book by Surrey and Thomas Wyatt.

Who said "Milton is in every line of Paradise"?2015
St Coleridge said that and it means Paradise lost is an autobiographical book.

Who used the term Metaphysical for the first time?

Who wrote the Dunciad?

What is Mock Heroic Epic?
It is the kind of poem in which there are trivial situations ordinary subject matter and themes are foolish.

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