Tuesday 14 July 2020

History of English Literature From Chaucer to Milton MCQS

History of English Literature From Chaucer to Milton MCQS

1.Who was the first to use blank verse?

(a) Thomas Wyatt
(b)Henry Earl of Surrey■
(d) None of above
(c) Sir Thomas More

2.Sir Thomas More utopia was originally
written in
(a) Roman
(c) English
(d) Spanish

3.Pinpoint the main historical event of 14th
(a) Black death WO Were
(b) Hundred years war with France
(c) Reasent revolt
(d) All of above■

4.Chaucer's age was marked with
(a) Corruption in the church
(b) Decline of Feudal system
(c) Rise of national consciousness
(d) All of above■

5.Point out the notable contemporary of
(a) Gower
(c) Langland
(b) Wycliffe
(d) All of above■

6.What is meant by this remark that Chaucer
stands in much the same relation to the life of
his times as Pope does to the earlier phases
of the 18th century and Tennyson to the
Victorian era?
(a) Chaucer reflects corruption in system
(b) Chaucer believes in the high principles of
(c) There is great variety of characters
(d) Chaucer reflects spirit of time ■
7.Lolland Movement aims at reforming
(a) Feudalism b.Socialism
(c) Christianity■ d. Orthodox

8.The black death that ravaged England during
1348-49 was
(a) Influenza
(b) Small Pox
(c)by Plague■
(d) None of above

9.Chaucer's work can be divided into
(a) French, Italian, English
(b) French, Spanish, English
(c) Spanish, Latin, English
(d) All of above

10.One is not the feature of the poetry of Chaucer
(a) Music and imagery
(b) Love of nature
(c) Humour and realism
(d) Sarcasm■

11.How many pilgrims were along Chaucer in
the prologue to Canterbury tales?
(a) 29■
(c) 31
(b) 30
(d) 36

12. In the prologue the poet was lying in
(a) Tabard inn■
(b) In poor hostelry
(c) Tabard Tavern
(d) None of above

13.What was suggested by the poet to tell two
stories on the way and how many on the way

(a) One
(b) Three■
(c) Two
(d) Four

14.What are traces of realism in Chaucer?

(a) Understanding of human mind
(b) Portrayal of realistic character sketches
(c) Both a & b■
(d) None of above

15.What are attrıbutes that declare Chaucer as
father of English Novel?

(a) Realism
(b) His narrative techniques
(c) Dramatic art
(d)All of above■

16.Pinpoint the marks of medieval chivalry

(a) Woman worship
(b) To fight for honour
(c) To fight for religion, and country
(d) All of above■

17.The Romance of Rose is 

(a) Original attempt by Chauce
(b) Translation of Spanish work
(c) English romances were complied in English
(d) None of above■

18.The house of Fame, the parliament of fowls
and Troilus and Criseyde speak

(a) Roman influence
(b)French influence on Chaucer■
(c) Italian influence on Chaucer
(d) None of above

19.The legend of Good women is remarkable
poem shows Chaucer's mastery over

(a) Heroic couplet■
(c) Mock epic
(b) Irregular rhymes
(d) Epic style

21. What is true about Chaucer's art

(a) The characters were individuais as well as
(b) The characters were simple, complex and
(c) Portrayals were distorted and highly complex
(d) None of above

22.Chaucer's knight and Young Square speak

(a) Chivalry■
(c) Dignity
(b) Courtesy
(d) Honour

23.Th ecclesiastical characters
represented by

(a) Monk
(c) Parson
(b) Prioress
(d) All of above■

24.One of the individual mark of the wife of bath

(a) Gap-toothed
(b) Large hand kerching
(c) Both a & d■
(d) Large at hip

25.The war of Roses was

(a) A civil war■
(c) Italian war
(b) War against French
(d) None of above

26. English and Scottish Chaucerian's means

(a) Who love Chaucer?
(b) Who follow Chaucer in style?■
(c) Who believe Chaucer's greatness?
(d) None of above

27.The Mystery plays based upon subjects
taken from

(a) Bible■
(b) New Testament
(c) Lives of saints
(d) Old testament

28.The Miracles dealing with the lives of

(a) Šaints■
(c) Monks
(b) Pope
(d) None of above

29. Pageants were originally

(a) Platforms on which plays were staged
(b) Decorated processions
(c) Both a & b
(d) None of above■

30.These plays were didactic and religious in

(a) Moralities■
(c) Pageants
(b) Mystery
(d) None of above

31.Interludes have no other purpose but to

(a) Amuse■
(b) To attract towards religion
(c) Both a & b
(d) None of above

32.One of the causes of reformation movement

(a) Kings quarrel with the Pope
(b) Martin Luther and his teachings
(c)corruption of church
(d)All of above■

33.Who introduced sonnet into English poetry

(a) Thomas Wyatt
(b) Chaucer
(c) Surrey■
(d) Langland

34.Tottle's Miscellany is the

(a) Book of verses
(b) First printed anthology of English lyrics
(c) Book by Surrey and Wyatt■
(d) All of above

35.Factors responsible for Renaissance are

(a) Humanism
(b) Both a & c■
(c) Invention of printing
(d) None of above of Christ's Nativity.

36.On the Morning Illpenserso and combus have been written by

(a) Spenser■
(b) Langland
(c) Milton
(d) None of above

37.Tick the one best known sonnets of Milton

(a) On his blindness■
(b) On the late massacre in piedmont
(c) The mistress
(d) Both a & b

38.Mark the chief defect of Milton's poetry

(a) Frequent use of mythology
(b) Lacks sense of human■
(c) Lack of seriousness
(d) All of above

39.Who said that Milton was of the Devil of the
party without knowing it?

(a) Heats
(b) Wordsworth
(c) Blake■
(d) None of 'above

40.To justify ways of God to Man was chief aim
of writing

(a) Lycidas to
(c) Paradise Lost■
(b) Totte's Miscellany
(d) None of above

41.Coleridge once said 'Milton is in every line of
Paradise lost. What does this mean?

(a) Milton is an enthusiastic poet
(b) Milton is puritan
(C) The poem is autobiographica■l
(d) All of above

42.The second speech of Satan in the paradise
cost is addressed to

(a) Fallen Angels
(b) To almighty
(c) Beelzebub■
(d) None of above

43.For paradise lost Milton choose
(a) heroic couplet
(b) Sonnet
(c) Blank verse■
(d) None of above

44. Milton style has been called

(a) Affected style
(b) Grand style■
(c) Mellifluous slyle
(d) None of above

45.In Milton's poetry there is frequent use of

(a) Romàn words
(b)Latin Words■
(c) French words
(d) None of above

46.One of the features of Milton's blank verse is

(a) Overflow
(b) Command over language
(c) Highly musical
(d) All of above■

47.A nice fusion of  Renaissance and reformation is located in the poetry of

(a) Chaucer
(c) Langland
(d) Henry Vaughan

48.Paradise regained is completely dominated

(a) Humanism
(b) Satanism
(b) Puritanism■
(d) Renaissance

49.Milton's Lycidas by theme is 

(a) Elegy■
(b) Ode

50.Mark the period known as age of Milton


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