Thursday 6 August 2020

The Philosophy of Stoicism

Stoicism was a philosophy which propagated indifference to pain and pleasure. Its the founder was Zeno. He taught that man should be free from passion, unmoved by joy and
grief. The followers of this philosophy had a great power of endurance. They endured all hardships without uttering a word of complaint.

The result was that they lived a simple and austere life and remained away from all types of luxuries. They showed indifference to all problems and challenges of life. The foundation of their philosophy was built on the belief that everything was predetermined. Everything had been decided by God already. Therefore, it was useless to put up a struggle or show resistance to any act of cruelty.

They remained peacetul and satisfied in all circumstances. Apparently their ideas and belief's appeared to have some weight in them but actually it was a philosophy of retreat and escapism. History tells us that Zeno and his followers laid down their arms before the dictatorship of Macdonia without putting up any struggle. An interesting incident has been reported about Zeno. He was against slavery But in spite of being an opponent of slavery, one day he was seen beating his slave.

The slave happened to commit some mistakes.The slave took refuge in Zeno's philosophy and said to him, "Sir, according to your philosophy, it was predetermined that I would commit the mistake. Kindly forgive me as I bad no fault in it, It was already decided that I would do it." Zeno replied to him peacefully." It too was predetermined that I would beat you for this mistake. So there was no question of forgiving you.
" This philosophy taught that virtue was sufficient for happiness but happiness or pleasure should never be made the end of human struggle.

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