Friday 4 September 2020

The Restoration age MCqs

1.What happened in 1707 that would forever alter the relationship between England, Wales, and Scotland?
a.The trial and execution of Mary, Queen of Scots
b.The Toleration Act
c.The failed invasion of the Spanish Armada
d.The Bishops' War

2. Which of the following was the unprecedented economic wealth of Great Britain during the eighteenth century?a.Formal diplomatic relations with China
b.The exploitation of colonial resources, labour, and the slave trade
c.The union of England and Wales with Scotlandd.The American and French revolutions

3.What was "restored" in 1660?
a.The monarchy, in the person of Charles II
b.The dominance of the Tory Party
c.The "Book of Common Prayer"
d.Toleration of religious dissidents

4.What literary work best captures a sense of the political turmoil, particularly regarding the issue of religion, just after
the Restoration?

a.Gay's Beggar's Opera
b.Fielding's Jonathan Wild
c.Butler's Hudibras
d.Pope's Dunciad

5.Who was deposed from the English, throne in the Glorious, or Bloodless, Revolution in 1688?
a. Elizabeth I
b.George II
c.James II
d.William and Mary

6.Who became the first "prime minister" of Great Britain in the reign of George II?
a.Henry St. John
b.John Churchill
c.Robert Harley
d.Robert Walpole

7.In the late seventeenth century, a "battle of the books" erupted between which two groups?
a.Abolitionists and enthusiasts for slavery
b.Round-earthers and flat-earthers
c.The Welsh and the Scots
d.Champions of ancient and modern learning

8.Which of the following best describes the doctrine of empiricism?
a.All knowledge is derived from experience.

b.Human perceptions are constructed and reflect structures of political power.
c.The search for essential or ultimate principles of reality.
d.The sensory world is an illusion.

9.Against which of the following principles did Jonathan Swift inveigh?
a.Theoretical science
c.Abstract logical deductions 
d.a, b, and c

10.Whose great Dictionary, published in 1755, included more than 114,000 quotations?a.William Hogarth
b.Samuel Johnson
c.Jonathan Swift
d.Ben Jonson

11.According to Samuel Johnson, "No man but a blockhead ever wrote except for,
b.His party."

12.What name is given to the English literary period that emulated the Rome of Virgil, Horace, and Ovid?

13.Horace's doctrine "Ut Pictura poesis" was interpreted to mean,
a.A picture is worth a thousand words.
b.Poetry is the supreme artistic form.
c.Art should hold a mirror up to nature.
d.Poetry ought to be a visual as well as a verbal art.

14.What was most frequently considered a source of pleasure and an object of inquiry by Augustan poets?

15.What word did writers in this period use to express quickness of mind, inventiveness, a knack for conceiving images and metaphors and for perceiving resemblances between things
apparent'y unlike?


16.Which of the following was probably not a stock phrase in eighteenth-century poetry?
a.Verdant mead
b.Simian rivalry
c.Shining Sword
d.Checkered Shade

17.Metrical form was Pope said to have brought to perfection?
a.The heroic couplet

b.Blank verse
c.Free verse
d.The ode

18.Which poet, critic and translator brought England a modern literature between 1660 and 1700?

19.Which of the following is not an example of Restoration

a.Etherege's The Man of Mode
v.Wycherley's The Country Wife
c.Behn's The Rover
d.Marlowe's Doctor Faustus

20.What is true about Donne's age?
a.This was the beginning of 17th century
b.Elizabethan poetry has exhausted itself
c.Both a & b
d.None of above

21.Machinery' the term invented by the critics to signify the work
a.Of Bacon worldly wisdom
b.Hazlitt graceful attitude
c. Pope's sylphs and ginnies
d.None of above

22.Mark one feature of the age of John Donne
a.Rise pessimism because the rise of political uncertainty
b.The rebellion of Essex
c.Elizabethan comprise in matters of religion broken down
d.All of  the above 

23.'The Rape of the lock is described as most exquisite specimen of filigree work ever invented' who comment on the Rape of the lock
b.Sailing count
c.Saints bury
d.None of above

24.The Conceit of compass is found in
a.A validation: For bidding mourning
b.Good Morrow
c.The blossom
d.None of above

25. Pinpoint the protagonist of the Rape of the Lock,

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