Saturday 28 November 2020

The Chimney Sweeper Poem by William Blake Short Questions

The Chimney Sweeper Poem by William Blake 
Short Questions

How many stanzas are in chimney sweeper?
The chimney sweeper has six stanzas of six lines each.

What do you know about the rhyme scheme of the poem?
It has the rhyme scheme of AABV CCDD EEFF.

What are the Boys names who are working?
They are named as Dick,Joe,Ned, and Jack.

Who has hair as curling as lamb's back?
Tom is the boy who has white and curling hair like those found on the lamb's back. But his white hair is turned grey because of living in smoke all the time.

Why does the little boys were employed for
The little boys were employed for sweeping purpose because they were sold just for few pounds. Some of them were sons of master sweepers. A few were sent by the parent to get money.

What dream has Tom seen?
Tom has a dream that he along with other boys have been died and are lying in the graves within black coffins. It is a symbol because they live in the black coffins all the day in their real life.

What does the poem is about?
The poem is about child labour.The children were assigned the hard duty of sweeping the chimneys. They were doing this duty unwilling. Many of them were sold by their parent for just a few pounds.

Why the narrator of the poem seemed unhappy?
The narrator of the poem is unhappy because he was sold by his father to do the humble and humiliated work of sweeping chimneys.

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