Saturday 12 December 2020

Ambulances By Philip Larkin short Questions

Ambulances short Questions 

With whom is the ambulance compared?
The Ambulance is compared with a box like chamber in a church where the Catholics go to confess their sins before a priest.

What is the colour of the ambulance and when it passes through the markets?
The colour of the ambulance is light grey and it passes though he market at noon. It shows that death tolls the cities.

Where do the ambulances stop?
The ambulances stop at kerb and take the patients to the hospitals by passing through the streets.

What do the children and women see in an ambulance?
The playing children, woman at shopping halls and the people taking lunch at hotels see a wild white faced person lying in the ambulance.

How the patient is covered in an ambulance?
A patient is covered with a red blanket when he is taken in an ambulance with the help of stretcher.

What does a patient signify?
A patient signifies that life in this world is meaningless; a man has no durability and can expire at any moment.

What is the effect of an ambulance on a lay man?
A lay man, when sees an ambulance, feels sorry for the plight human life but soon he forgets and gets busy in routine of life.

What do the people think when they see a patient in an ambulance?
Some people take the patient their selves; they think that they are lying in the ambulance because every one is suffering in this world in some way.

What is people's attitude toward a patient?
The people that see a patient in an ambulance they sympathize him. They feel his pains but soon they forget it as the ambulance goes away.

What does an ambulance stand for?
An ambulance stands for misery, troubles and destruction. One who sees coming an ambulance feels all this at one.

Why the people forget every thing related to an ambulance?
The people forget every thing related to an ambulance because time overcomes every thing.

What does the poet say about the patient?
The poet says that the patient passes his time with his family but at last he has to go alone because every one who comes in this world has to leave it the sooner or the later.

What is the behavior of the people toward an ambulance who are on the road?
The people who are on the road, give way as a priority to an ambulance because they think that the patient in it needs their attention to reach the hospital in time.

What is the similarity between an ambulance and death?
An ambulance is like death; no one can stop their way when both come. Both send the victim to the same destination.

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