Tuesday 1 December 2020

The Little Black Boy by William Blake short Questions

The Little Black Boy 
by William 
short Questions  

Why does the black boy sad?
The black boy is sad on the discrimination of the white who dislike the black and treat them in an inhumane way. They use them as slaves.

How does the black boy console himself?
He consoles himself that he is also creation of God and has the white soul like the Whiteman. Then why he should he fall a victim to inferiority complex.

When all human beings will be treated equally?
All the human beings will be treated equally on the Day of Judgment when there will be no discrimination. All the black and the white will be standing in the same line
and same place.

What is the message of the poet in this poem?
William Blake wants to condemn the racism in this
world. He wants his fellow being understand that all the human beings are sons of one father, Adam. They have the same white soul. So they should not prefer someone just because of the colour of his skin.

What does the little boy tell about himself?
The little black boy tells about his childhood how and
where he was brought up and in which circumstance.

Where does the black boy used to live?
The black boy lived in southern areas of subcontinent of Africa, the land of the blacks. He there was happy in the lap of his mother who used to tell about their Creator, God.

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