Sunday 24 January 2021

Percy Bysshe Shelley Biography

Percy Bysshe Shelley 
He was born in 1792 in Sussex, England.
He died in 1822 in Italy.
The name of his father was Timothy.
Timothy Shelley was a Member of Parliament.
Elizabeth Shelley was his mother.
He received his early education at home.
In 1802, Shelley enrolled in the Syon House Academy of Brentford in Middlesex.
He attended Eton College in 1804.
He also joined Oxford University in 1810.
In 1811, he was expelled from Oxford because of his revolutionary writing, "The Necessity of Atheism."
He is one of the major English Romantic poets.
He is regarded as the finest lyric poets in the English language.
He is one of the visionary poets that included Leigh Hunt; Lord Byron Thomas Love.
His second wife, Mary Shelley, the author of Frankenstein was also part of this circle.
He is best known for his classic poems:
Shelley, the author of
Ode to the West Wind,
To a Skylark, Music, When Soft Voices Die,
The Cloud and The
His visionary poems are;
Queen Mab
The Revolt of Islam
The Triumph of Life
His visionary verse dramas include The Cenci and Prometheus Unbound.
In 1811, he eloped to Scotland with Harriet Westbrook, Alastor, Adonais, the unfinished work a student.
His father did not accept the couple.
He asked his friend Hogg to manage their living but soon they parted.
Then the couple decided to live with Elizabeth Harriet, his wife's sister.
Later, Shelley called her, the "sister of my soul" and "my second self".
In 1816, after the death of Harriet, he married Marry Godwin.
He also becomes friend of Lord Baron during his summer tour to Switzerland in 1816.
In Lake District, he visited the poet Robert Southey.
In 1821, he wrote the poem Adonais as an elegy for him.
Percy Bysshe Shelley Famous works:
(1810) The Wandering Jew
(1810) Zastrozzi
(1810) Original Poetry by Victor and Cazire
(1810) Posthumous Fragments of Margaret Nicholson
(1811) St. Irvyne; or, The Rosicrucian
(1811) The Necessity of Atheism
(1812) The Devil's Walk: A Ballad
(1813) Queen Mab: A Philosophical Poem
(1814) A Refutation of Deism: In a Dialogue
(1815) Alastor, or The Spirit of Solitude
(1815) Wolfstein
(1816) The Daemon of the World
(1816) Mont Blanc
(1817) Hymn to Intellectual Beauty
(1817) Laon and Cythna
(1817) The Revolt of Islam
(1818) Ozymandias
(1818) The Banquet
(1818) Frankenstein
(1818) Rosalind and Helen: A Modern Eclogue
(1819) The Cenci, A Tragedy, in Five Acts
(1819) Ode to the West Wind
(1819) The Masque of Anarchy
(1819) A Philosophical View of Reform
(1819) Julian and Maddalo: A Conversation
(1820) Peter Bell the Third
(1820) Prometheus Unbound
(1820) To a Skylark
(1820) The Cloud
(1820) Oedipus Tyrannus
(1820) The Witch of Atlas
(1821) Adonais
(1821) A Defence of Poetry
(1821) Epipsychidion
(1822) Hellas, A Lyrical Drama
(1822) The Triumph of Life
Poetical Essay on the Existing State of Things 
The Necessity of Atheism (1811)
Declaration of Rights (1812)
A Letter to Lord Ellenborough (1812)
A Defence of Poetry
A Vindication of Natural Diet (1813)
The Cenci. A Tragedy (1819)

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