Friday 26 March 2021

A Poison Tree by William Blake short Question

How many stanzas are in A Poison Tree?
The poem is consisting of four stanzas of four lines each.

When Poison Tree was published?
It was originally published in 1994.

What are the themes of A Poison Tree?
Anger and hatred. 
What do you understand by " A Poison Tree"?
The poet means by Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden. In this way the poem suggests that biblical tree.

What does the ' apple' on the tree signify?
The 'apple' on the tree signifies the fruit of knowledge in the Garden of Eden. The fruit was eaten by Adam and Eve and the both were expelled from the paradise. We see the narrator's foe also becomes a victim in the same way when he eats this fruit.

What the poet wants to say?
The poet wants to say that if we are angry with someone, we should express our anger so that we may avoid ourselves from wrath.

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