Monday 29 March 2021

Types of Novels l Define Novel | Elements, Examples and Kinds of Novel

What is a Novel?
A novel is a fictional prose that, depicts not only the story but also the surroundings and psychoanalysis of the characters.

What is novelty?
Novelty is a story a bit longer than a short story.

What are the main types of novels?
The main types of novel are Psychological Novel, realistic Novel, Satirical Novel, Historical novel,
Picaresque Novel.

What do you mean by  psychological novel?
A novel, in which the psychoanalysis of the character or
characters is presented, is called a psychological novel.

How would you define a realistic novel?
In a realistic novel life and surrounding of the characters are presented realistically with true facts and figures.

Define satirical novel?
A satirical novel consists of satire on a character, an event, on a society and so on.

Describe Epistolary Novel?
In this type of novel the narrative is told in letters and there is only one or two characters who express their feelings and reactions. This novel also has the psychological realism. Picaresque novel is also the novel that describes the adventures of a person who is sometimes dishonest but easy to like. Best example for this novel is the novels written by Samuel Richardson, Pamela and Clarrisa.

Definition of Picaresque Novel with examples
It is derived from picaro means a rogue.It depicts the adventures of hero who has roguish characteristics. He belongs to low social class who uses his wits in a corrupt society. That kind of novels adopt a realistic view of life and style. It has the elements of comedy and satire. Example, Mark Twain's Huckleberry Finn ,The Pickwick Papers, Nicolay Gogol's Dead Souls.

What is Sentimental novel?
In this novel novel the characters face the self indulgence and elevated feelings. It has frequent seduction plot. It was the rise of women readers. In this novel usually women are taught different lessons. Oliver Goldsmith- The Vicar of the Wakefield and Samuel Richardson's Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded.

Define Gothic novel with examples?
It is the type of literature that covers death, horror, magic and mystery. Examples, Horace Walpole’s Castle of Otranto.

Define Historical novel with examples?
It is the novel in which a period of history is portrayed to convey the manners, realistic detail, social values, past incidents and social conditions of the past. A historical novel also presents the story based on historical events. The Waverly Novels and Ivanhoe by Sir Walter Scott who is the father of the historical novel.

What is Sociological novels? 
That kind of novels deal with the nature, social issues, social values, Importance of laborers and it is also the novel of social change which may emphasize revolution. Examples, Dickens’ Hard Times, Gaskell’s Mary Barton and Uncle Tom’s Cabin.

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