Friday 6 August 2021

History of Chaucer : Age of Chaucer (1340 to 1400) - Historical Background Characteristics of Literature in Chaucer age l Characteristics of the age of Chaucer

The era from 1343 to 1450 is known as the Chaucer Age. It was the first major literary age in English literature. It announced a new age of learning. Chaucer's age also saw numerous difficulties in society, politics and religion.

There was considerable hatred for the involvement of the Pope or the Church which was once a city of moral authority, social status, but now was corrupt, turpid and superstitious.

The 100 Years War between England and France gave rise to strong nationalist sentiments. The heated mood was also present in England because of the peasant uprisings. The middle class was also a significant social stratum.

It was all the way from a feudal social set-up to a free society, in which men and women may express their own inclinations and fancies without fear of censure.

There is a shift from the mediaeval era to the modern age. Geoffrey Chaucer was the former's night star and the latter's morning light.

The Black Death or epidemic, which devastated a third of the country's population, was also important in the era. This impacted many social dynamics, such as labour restrictions and employable bodies.

Characteristics of the Age of Chaucer
Here are the major features of the era;

The age of the mainstream English language appeared. This was the greatest growth of the era since the impact of French and Latin had before much reduced in English.

The East Midland dialect was recognised as a standardised version of English. The language has seen tremendous success and expression in Chaucer's works. The impact of French and Latin on the language of the day has declined. Chaucer's language is beautiful, simplicity and humour to depict the guy and his environment. Details of the spring blossoming gardens with distinctly human traits are typical examples from everyday life. The phrase emphasised beauty, energy and a secular feeling.

Criticism and Curiosity

The period is famous for its fierce critique of established religion and order. Control of the Church over the worldly concerns of ordinary folk during this time was questioned. There is a revived interest in the problems of the ordinary man. There is a motif of romance, particularly by Chaucer. The drama takes the front stage. More humanistic topics avoided the domination of mediaeval historical tales and romance. It was a time of tremendous social and intellectual movements, poverty, turmoil and rebellion. It had the epidemic Black Death and the development of scientific attitude and investigation.

The church and the rejoicing of the commoners were greatly criticised. It is generally considered the forerunner of the Elizabethan Age Renaissance Movement.

Development of Prose
The prose of England began in this era. The prose may now be experimented with because of the maturing of the language. John Wycliffe's Biblical translation is an example of this. The prose is unique and distinctive. There are experimental works like Thomas Mallory (King Arthur) and want to remove Latin as the English Bible requests. At this time, the construction of allegory was perfected. In the middle ages, there was a resurgence of alliteration which was replaced by rhymes.

Chaucer, John of Trevisa and John Wycliffe were the major prose authors during Chaucer's era. Scottish works like Barbour also had a significant impact.

Development of Poetry
The Chaucer Age saw the beginning of English poetry. In the era of Chaucer, poetry flourished and took an incomparable position. Chaucer, John Gower and William Langland were the most famous poets of this era.
Spencer was the father of poetic language since before this era there was no poetic diction. Poetry has seen the merging of religion, humanism and secular emotions.

New kinds of poetry such as narrative and descriptive poetry were developed during this time.

His trenchant remarks knew Chaucer himself. He was social and liked to mingle with people from a variety of backgrounds, as seen in his work: The Canterbury Tales.

In it, he could penetrate the characteristics and intricacies of human nature. Chaucer employs seven lines ABABBCC stanzas, known as the rhythm metre Chaucerian. The use of humour is liberal. Human feeling is stressed, as in 'The Legend of Good Women.'

Chaucerian poetry is usually split into three phases: 
Italian Period (Fowl Parliament etc.)'
French Period  (The Romaunt etc.)
English Period  (The Parson's Tale etc.). However, significant criticism is also made of the excessive length of certain lectures and the preaching of ethics, etc.

It was the beginning of the first major literary epoch in the history of English literature. It marked the beginning of a new age of learning. In addition to social, political, and theological difficulties, Chaucer's time was marked by a number of challenges. 

Video Lecture 👉 Age of Chaucer

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