Friday 13 August 2021

Metaphysical Poetry l Definition of Metaphysical Poetry - Origin of Metaphysical Poetry - Major Metaphysical Poets -Metaphysical poetry Characteristics - Major Themes in Metaphysical Poetry

"Metaphysical poetry" is a philosophic term utilised in literature, when poets describe the events which go beyond the physical existence. Etymologically, 'meta' and 'physical' in 'metaphysical' are combined. The initial word "meta" signifies beyound. Thus metaphysical indicates beyond the usual, beyond the physical. The significances here are obvious that it deals with the objects/ideas beyond the existence of our physical universe.

Origin of Metaphysical Poetry

Author Samuel Johnson introduced the first usage of the term "Metaphysical Poetry" in his book "Lives of the most eminent English poets (1179-1781). The term Metaphysical poets were used to describe a broad collection of 17th-century poets. The group was not official, and most of the poets in this category didn't know or read the works of each other. John Donne, Henry Vaughan, Thomas Traherne, Andrew Marvell, Abraham Cowley, George Herbert, Richard Crashaw, etc. These are the most famous poets in this group. In his writings, he pointed out that all these writers shared the same humor and style in their poetry.

Following questions are asked in Metaphysical Poetry;

  • Is our world a reflection or a reality?
  • Is there a life after death?
  • Can the spirits cross time?
  • Is God around?
  • Are we bound or free in our bodies?
  • Is destiny real?

There are only so many questions, which we could otherwise avoid. What is evident here is that none of these issues has a clear solution in science. It's all about philosophy and belief.

Definition of Metaphysical Poetry

Metaphysical poetry is a type of poetry dealing with serious topics such as spirituality, religion, etc. It is a highly educated style of poetry that portrays the world in a new manner to its readers. It raises issues which science can't address. The readers are led to doubt their reality and existence through metaphysical poetry. It pulls you outside of the physical world, and along with its imagery, humour and contradiction offers you fresh views.

Definition in Merriam Webster Dictionary

"Highly intellectualised poetry characterised by daring and creative concepts, mismatched imagination, depth and depth of the idea, often paradoxical application and frequently intentional hardness of language"

Metaphysical poetry Characteristics

  • Metaphysical poetry speaks about serious stuff. It speaks about soul, love, faith, reality, and so forth. You can never be sure what is happening when you read philosophical poetry. Unusual ideas and similarities may make you think. 
  • "Unrelated sensitivity" is the most significant quality of metaphysical poetry (the combination of feeling and thoughts).
  • Although he speaks about important things, he talks about them in a funny manner. The tone is light occasionally. Sometimes it may be cruel, too. The aim is to introduce a fresh concept and to make the reader think.
  • Another feature of such poetry is its unclear nature. Because it offers such difficult subjects, the concept of metaphysical poetry is rather unclear. For every individual, it's different. It relies on the reader's perspective and experiences. Everyone takes something else from the same poetry, depending on their convictions and knowledge.
  • Metaphysical poetry is also brief. It utilizes short words and communicates a lot of concepts in only a few words. In this kind of poetry, too, there are numerous sayings. In metaphysical poetry, John Donne introduced words.
  • One of his distinctive and most fascinating features is the peculiar comparison of poetry. All metaphysical have a capacity to compare, juxtapose and picture unusually wisely. These extraordinary comparisons are metaphysical premises. As Donne employs the term "spider love" in Twicknam Garden, it goes against the expectations of the readers. In the same poem, Donne also compares a lover with a love wine which uses unique juxtaposition. Conceit contrasts things that are extremely different. For example, luminous smoke, summoning lovers as two compass points, taking souls as dewdrops, etc.
  • Philosophical poetry comes from the intellect, not from emotions. It's funny and smart.
  • According to Grierson, paradoxical relations and intense emotions are the two main features of metaphysical poetry. When Donne begins his poem "The Indifferent," with a contradictory commentary. "I can love just as well as brown"
  • Platonic Love is another distinctive characteristic of this poem. After Plato, the term is taken. Platonic love is a love that is not romantic. There's no desire or need for physical touch. It is spiritual love and is especially for God.
  • The imaginative manner of lyrics is another characteristic of metaphysical poetry. As A.C. Word stated, "The style of metaphysics is a blend of two elements: the fantastic shape and the incongruous one." The versification of metaphysical poetry is like his diction likewise rough and jerky. The primary aim of the metaphysical was to dismay the audience. They intentionally eschewed traditional poetry styles in order to give readers something fresh. Its style was not traditional and the version of many of the Elizabethan authors contrasted.
  • It raises a certain extreme degree of thoughts and emotions in readers by posing questions that change their lives.
Metaphysical poets' contribution to English literature
Here are some of the major contributions to English literature from the metaphysical poets.

Empowering English literature with top religious poetry was the metaphysical poets. The most famous religious poets in English are Donne, Vaughan Herbert, Crawshaw, and Traherence. In the area of love poetry, metaphysical poets have contributed a great deal. Their love contribution is very significant and plays a vital role in the history of English literature. The rude and vulgar version and language of metaphysics also served English poets with wonderful service to understand that simple "lightness of numbers" does not identify a poem as flawless but there are other elements that may create great poetry.

Major Metaphysical Poets
The Father of metaphysical Poetry is John Donne [1572 - 1631]
  • Henry Vaughan [1622 - 1695]
  • Andrew Marvell [1621 - 1678]
  • John Cleveland [1613 - 1658]
  • Abraham Cowley[1618 - 1667]
  • George Herbert [1593 - 1633]
  • Richard Crashaw [1613 - 1649]
Major Themes in Metaphysical Poetry 
  • Religion
  • Interconnection with Humanity
  • Fidelity
  • Paradox
  • Death
  • Spiritual Love  
  • Physical Love
Prominent Works in Metaphysical Poetry
Some of the major poetry metaphysical works by metaphysical poets include:
The Definition of Love, To His Coy Mistress,Death Be Not Proud, by John Donne, The Retreat, by Henry Vaughan, by Andrew Marvell, The Collar, The Pulley, by George Herbert, The Flea, The Sun Rising, A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning etc.


Metaphysical poetry is open-minded to be read. Rather does not intend to persuade readers to think in a particular manner, but it offers a new way of thinking. Highly intelligent and knowledgeable individuals are metaphysical poets. The brains of readers open up, their field of thought increases, and their works wake up. The difficult method of such poetry focuses the readers' attention on the things that exist beyond the physical world. It also allows poets to express their inner thoughts in poetry, while greater mental skills are needed to compare the abstract ideas and notions conceived in poetry's metaphysical contents. 

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