Friday 16 February 2018

King Lear

Why is Edmund jealous of his brother? 
He is jealous because Edgar receives love and attention from their father. He is jealous because he is a bastard and Edgar is true son. 

Differentiate between Lear's  madness and Edgar's  madness? 
Lear endure a natural loss of madness while Edmund simulates his sanity for survival . 

name the person who murder the Duke of Cornwall? 
He is killed by a servant who's murdered afterwards .
Name the Goneril's servant? 
His name is Oswald, and he is evil.  

Who stays with king lear during the storm? 
Kent and the Fool deny to leave the King alone during the storm. They loyally stay with him. 

What city is invaded~by the King of France? 
The King of France invades the city of Dover. 

Describe the importance of  Gloucester blindness? 
Gloucester's blinding in the drama shows his emotional blindness.And this blindness  towards his two sons, Edgar and Edmund. the ironic situation in this play is People only see the truth after they have been physically blinded.It is only after Gloucester's blindness that he really sees the true nature of his sons and which son actually loved him. 

How is Kent different from Oswald? 
these Characters are servants and loyal in this play.Kent is really the personification of loyalty. we have seen Even after Lear exiles him Kent comes back in disguise so he can keep serve and protect the king Lear. Oswald serves Goneril but is slimier than Kent. While Kent represents a loyalty, Oswald isn't afraid to cheat and lie for Goneril.
Why are Cornwall and Edmund drawn together? 
Because both want power and do not delay to achieve it, even if they make others suffer as a consequence. 

Define Character of Kent?  
Kent by nature is a fine noble man .Self sacrifice and loyalty are his characteristics.His goodness and faithfulness towards king make him loyal .these traits are developed to a high degree in his character.  

What is the importance of the storm?  
It grows the pity for Lear.  

illustrate the incident of  Dover Cliff ?  
Gloucester decide  to commit suicide by throwing himself over the Dover the mean while he meets Edgar and not recognizing his son,asks him to lead the way .Edgar  leads him across a field, but pretends they are climbing a steep hill.Edgar tells his father they are within a foot of the edge of a cliff . However ,Gloucester is persuaded that he did fall. 

Show the  difference between Regan and Goneril?  
Goneril looks more clever.Goneril seems to be more inventive in evilness.Regan is afraid of her sister. Goneril agrees to the murder of Cordelia while Regan is hesitate in the murder of her Cordelia.

Describe Major Themes Of King Lear? 
Justice is the theme of the Play.The relationship between parents and children illustrate the major theme of Family.Theme of loyalty is also apparent 'Loyalty changes Gloucester and Lear and enables them to endure the sufferings.Blindness, both physical and emotional.
Madness has also played an important part Characters behave in a madness manner.

When was King Lear first performed?  
it was first performed on December 26, 1606, before James I at Whitehall Palace.  

What are the Lear planning to do with his kingdom? 
Lear Plans to divide his kingdom among his daughters.but he wanted to given an offer to the daughter who was able to satisfy him of their was the only way to get the share of the  kingdom.

How do each of the first two daughters answer the old man? 
Goneril answered the Lear with sweet flattery words . For instance "Goneril says  "Sir, I love you more than word can express the matter" and then Regan says " And find I am alone praise in your dear love" 

What is Cordelia's reply? 
Cordelia's answer is Nothing and she answers the way she does because of the excessive admiration showed by her sisters and her. Her sisters Words are as she says"heave her heart into her mouth,”Her reference to "nothing" suggest about the use of this design in the rest of the play is that it reflects how the actions taken by some of the characters.

Why does Cordelia answer her father in a rude way?
Cordelia was being cruel in refusing to play her father's game because she is an individual unable to declare her feelings  but uses her gestures which was  anticipated to speak louder than her words. 

How does Lear react to Cordelia's response? 
King Lear  became extremely angry  by Cordelia's answer.He rejected her and divided her share between her sisters. Lord Kent reacts to Lear's response by not conforming to his usual norm but rather questioning the King's judgement and wisdom along with ridiculling him for being unable to see through the flattery of Goneril and Regan's speech and acknowledge the daughter that loved him the most bieng Cordelia whom was bieng punished for bieng honest. 

How might the references to sight and blindness become important for the rest of the play? 
The physical blindness of Gloucester symbolizes the figuratively blindness that disable both Gloucester and Lear who are fathers. The similar features between the two men are apparent for they both have loyal children and disloyal children, both are blind to the truth.Only when Gloucester has lost his eyes and Lear has gone insane.

What was the reaction of  France and Burgandy that Cordelia will not receive any share?
For Burgandy bieng the first man states his disapproval and  backs out .This response tells us that Burgandy was only worried about his legacy through marriage.While France unexpected reaction is completely contrary which is his desire to accept her because he loved her and not her dower. France's response tells us that his feelings toward Cordelia were indeed pure. 

Why does Cordelia says these lines "I know you what you are." ?
"I know you what you are" that she figured out that her sisters wanted to dethrone the Lear . The sisters near the end of the scene talk about their fathers illness and age which is the root cause of his inability to judge accurately as he once did.  

Why does Kent wish to serve Lear? 
Kent desires to serve Lear because he wants to guide him to see what is going on around him. 

Describe the Function Of Fool?
The fool's function in this part of the drama is to enlightening the King while mock his decisions

Illustrate Edmund's trick to his brother Edgar into fleeing? 
Edmund deceive his brother Edgar into escaping by compelling him that Cornwall was angry with him for being on Albany's side of their "disagreement'.

Explain briefly Kent's lines "Nothing almost seems miracles But misery" 
Kent's line "Nothing almost seems miracles But misery" it shows on doing no wrong one is still punished. 

What is Regan's first reply when Lear complains ?
Regan's first reponse when Lear complains of his treatment at the hands of her sister is that her sister is merely performing her duty and should not be blamed. 

what does Lear want to do with his kingdom? 
Divide them equally amongst his daughters. 

When Cordelia refuses to profess her undying love for her father (the King), what does her father do? 
Her father disowns her. 

Which  Person stands up for Cordelia when her Lear disowns her? 

Which man marries Cordelia even though she doesn't have a dowry? 
The King of France. 

What does the storm in Act 3 symbolize? 
The storm symbolizes the distraction in Lear’s mind: the violent in the natural world shows Lear’s inner state . Storm also provides an example of the power of nature, from which not even a king is safe. 

What role do women play in King Lear? 
The female characters in King Lear are powerful figures who are often aggressive , their male counterparts. Cordelia, who is pure and  faithful.While the older sisters are clearly very different .Goneril and Regan are clearly villains, all three daughters resemble their father.  

Explain the roles of king Lear in the play King Lear by William .
Lear is an  old king, he originally splits the lands among his daughters but ends up refusing it to Cordelia as she will not flatter him like her sisters. He exiles Cordelia .While Regan and Goneril who are  unfaithful and treat Lear horribly. He runs away to the woods and confront poor Tom, a madman. Kent and Gloucester help him to Dover where he is reunited with Cordelia.

Why were the reasons Edgar fool his father at Dover? 
Edgar tries to stop his father From killing.Edgar takes advantage of his father's blindness and makes him believe that he is on a high cliff.

Explain the roles of king Lear in the play King Lear by William .
Lear is an  old man, he splits his lands among his daughters but ends up denying it to Cordelia as she will not flatter him like her sisters. He exiles Cordelia .While Regan and Goneril who are  unfaithful and treat Lear horribly. He runs away to the woods and confront poor Tom, a madman. Kent and Gloucester help him to Dover where he is come together with Cordelia.

What are the things  Kent give the knight ?
Kent gives the knight a his purse and ring which to be shown to Cordelia if he sees her in his mission. 

Why does Edgar trick  Gloucester at Dover in King Lear? 
Edgar wants his father to stop trying to kill himself. Edgar takes advantage of his father's blindness and makes him believe that he is on a high cliff.

How does lear change when he regains his sanity? 
Lear feels "out of it". Lear wakes and Cordelia addresses him. Lear feels awakened from the grave and wishes they had left him.Finally he recognizes Cordelia.The Doctor advises them to give Lear his space so Cordelia takes him for a walk. 

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