Sunday 24 June 2018

The Tempest

What task does Prospero impose upon Ferdinand? He was given the task of removing and repiling several thousand loga.
Why is there no real suspense in the play 'The Tempest'?
Firstly, "The Tempest" is an autobiographical play. Prospreo is a self-portrait. His abjuration of art is effectively Shakespeare's. Secondly, Shakespeare is bored writing drama, and may perhaps have preferred to have written this instead as a narrative poem. So there is no real suspense in the play.
What do you know about Ferdinand?
Ferdinand is the son of the king of Naples, Alonso. He is drawn to Prospero and Miranda by Ariel's music. "He is gentle and not fearful." He falls in love with Miranda immediately.
Give as good a description of Caliban.
Caliban has the body of a beast. Caliban tries to rape Miranda. His passions are bestial, yet he sees the beauty in nature with a poet's mind.
Can you give a reason why Shakespeare begins this play with a storm?
Because he wished to draw the enemies of Prospero to his island in an apparently natural manner. This storm was caused by Prospero. In the author's day, the elements were supposed to be in very close sympathy with human joys and sorrows.
What do you learn about Ferdinand?
Ferdinand is a son of king Alonso who is the king of Naples.
What description of the island does Gonzalo give?
"Here is everything advantageous to life." "How lush and lusty the grass looks! how green!"
How does the action of the play progress in this act?
Ferdinand's labors are rewarded by the gift of Miranda's hand, while Caliban, Stefano, and Trinculo are punished.

How does the author bring Prospero to release his prisoners?
Prospero, through study and reflection, resolves to release his prisoners if they show penitence for the past.
What do you think of Prospero?
He is calm Person.He has scholarly views.H e is called Duke of Milan, Prospero is able to achieve control of the spirits of the island, and uses his extensive knowledge and control over the spirits to direct acts of magic as he pleases.
How does he present Ferdinand to his father again?
When they were playing chess, Alonzo looks into Prospero's cell; then Ferdinand tells his father of his engagement to Miranda.
What do you learn from the epilogue?
Various interpretations are given this speech. The actor who took the part of Prospero makes a speech in words which seem to apply to the play, but in reality, plead for the friendly judgment of the audience.
storm described in the first scene how we can tell the title of the play?
Yes, undoubtedly. As an actual tempest; actual, not in the sense of having really occurred, but of being conceived and portrayed as a real storm. II. it is a metaphorical tempest, representing the calamities and disasters of human life.
Why is Gonzalo sure that Boatswain will not die of drowning?
Gonzalo prognosticates that Boatswain is born to be hanged because he has hanging look in his features. Thus Gonzalo is sure that Boatswain will die of drowning in the storm. He will survive in order to be hanged later on.
What are the three things associated with the Prospero's magical power?
Prospero's magic staff (Ariel and other spirits) and his books represent his power. With his magical power, he can alter weather, put on a dazzling wedding entertainment, bully his servants, manipulate his enemies, and orchestrate his daughter's marriage to the Prince of Naples.
Who is Miranda?
Miranda is the only female character to appear on stage in "The Tempest" by Shakespeare. She is the daughter of Prespero. She has to face banishment to the Island along with her father at the age of three.
What does Prospero's mantle symbolize?
His power as a magician. His art by means of which he controls nature and spirits.
Who is Sycorax? Prospero indicates Sycorax as a blue-eyed hag. She was the mother of Caliban.S he was born in the country of Algiers. She uses magic for evil purposes.
Who is the most expressive person in the play? Caliban speaks some of the most beautiful and eloquent poetry of the play. Caliban's first words on stage are a harsh and a loud accusation. If Caliban represents raw, unchecked instinct, he also represents one of the most eloquent voices in the play.
Interpret "Good wombs have borne bad sons."
The above lines have been spoken by Miranda (when her father Prospero asks her if Antonia can be called a brother). She says that it would be wrong for me to think poorly of my grandmother because good women sometimes give birth to bad sons.
Who is Claribel?
Claribel is the daughter of the King of Naples.
Why does Shakespeare introduce here the game of chess?
When play was written chess was famous in Naples, of which place Ferdinand was a prince. With this fact, Shakespeare was doubtless familiar. It probably suggested to him the use of the game in this play.
Who was in charge of the ship during the storm at sea?
The Ship–master was in charge of the Boatswain and the mariners.
Why did Alonso, the king, interfere with the Boatswain’s work in securing the ship during the storm?
The king was accustomed to being the supreme authority.
Where did the Boatswain tell the king and his courtiers to go?
The Boatswain told the king and his courtiers to go to their cabins below.
Who was the first to go to their cabins below the top deck?
Alonso, the king, and Ferdinand, the prince, were the first to go below and pray.
What joke does Gonzalo tell concerning the Boatswain?
His jokes indicate that the Boatswain was born to be killed and need not fear to drown.
Why doesn't Alonso believe his son might still believe?
Alonso is so depressed that he doesn't even want to believe his son Ferdinand is still alive. Twelve years ago, he helped Antonio usurp the Dukedom of Milan from his brother Prospero. He thinks the death of his son is the result of this mean act.
Why does Ariel put everyone but Antonio and Sebastian to sleep?
Ariel's music quickly charms all but Antonio and Sebastian to sleep so that Antonio can persuade Sebastian to kill his sleeping brother, Alonso. Antonio argues that Ferdinand is surely drowned, and the Claribel, the next heir, is too far away to make an effective claim.
What do you know about Setebos?
Setebos, the deity worshiped by the witch Sycoras.she was the god of Pantagonians.
How does this joke affect the rest of the passengers and crew?
If the Boatswain does not drown, the rest of the passengers and crew will also be spared.
How does Antonio decide to die in the storm at sea?
Antonio wants to sink into the sea with the king.
Why are the reasons Miranda ask her father to Control the storm?
Miranda knows that he has elevated the tempest with his magic and he has the ability to control the storm.
How does Prospero comfort Miranda’s fears about the suffering people on the ship?
Prospero tells Miranda that there has been “no harm done.
Does Miranda remember anything about her life before she came to the island?
Miranda remembers that several women waited on her in Milan.
How old was Miranda when they arrived on the island?
Miranda was not yet three when they arrived on the island.
Why did Antonio put Prospero and Miranda old boat?
Antonio wanted their deaths to look like an accident.
How long had Prospero and Miranda lived on the island?
Prospero and Miranda had lived on the island for the past 12 years.

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