Thursday 14 June 2018

T.S Eliot The Waste Land

What is the importance of the Tittle "Wasteland"?
The title cites to the spiritual and intellectual darkness of modern man.
Who is Tereus?
He is mentioned in the section 'Game of Chess'who rapes a girl Philomela he then cut her tongue so that she couldn't tell about her rapist name.
What is the beginning of the poem?
The poem opens with the spring season when T.s Eliot declares April as the cruelest month of the season.
Who is Madame Sosostris?
She is a fortuneteller. She tells the destiny of the people. She is very clever.
What was drunk at Hofgarten?
What German phrases are symbolizing in the poem?
To symbolize the war.
Describe the Role of a Typist? He is the creature of the modern era who lives in loneliness.
Who was raped by the king?
Philomela, she was raped by King Tereus.
Who is Eugenides?
He is a merchant. He is the one-eyed merchant.
Who is satatson?
He is the close friend of the narrator. they both fought in the war. Perhaps it could be the world war 1.

Describe different symbolic Wastelands in modern times?
there are two types of wastelands in the modern era 'The wasteland of religion and the wasteland of spirit
What is the theme of the wasteland?
Death,Rebirth ,lust,love,water,history,Civilization.
What keeps us warm in the winter according to th poem?
Which area narrator spend his summers?
The Sternbergersee.
Describe The functions of Tiresias in Waste Land?
He is an important classical figure who has both male and female features and is blind but can see into the future.
What according to the poet the cruelest month breed?
In the Waste land, What does that Mean "A heap of Broken Images"?
These words Stands for the spiritual values in the modern also Symbolizes the Spiritual barrenness.
Who is Phelbas?
It is mentioned in section Death by Water .it describes a man, Phlebas the Phoenician, who has died in the water.
What does "Red Rock" symbolizes?
It stands for the christian Church .the Shadow of the Red rock refers to the shelter offered by the message of the is the only way for the survival of modern civilization.
Explain"I Tiresias, though blind, throbbing between two lives?
it means he served as a kind of bridge between classical world and modernity .
What advice Tiresias give to Lil?
Lil husband has come back from the Army after four years.H e wants an active sex Life.T iresias advises lil to look young and pretty to retain the love of her husband.
Who the protagonist in the Waste Land?
Tiresias, he is the protagonist of the Waste land .

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