Thursday 14 June 2018

Stylistics Short Questions and Answers l Stylistic Analysis Questions l Objective of Stylistics

Define Stylistics?
Stylistics is the study of language style. On the other hand, it attempts to explain why people react to texts in the manner they do.
What is the phase of Stylistics analysis? 
1.Analytic Phase.
2.interpretive Phase.
Define Analytic phase? 
In the Analytic phase, a Stylistic selects the Linguistic features in a literary text.
What is an interpretive phase?
 In it, a Stylistic brings together Linguistics features.
Define cohesion? 
Cohesion is the grammatical and lexical relationship within a text or sentence.
Define implicature?
 Implicature refers to what is suggested in an utterance, even though not expressed.
What do you know about the flouting maxim? 
It is used to directly convey the message or information. Mostly Writer uses irony and sarcasm.
What is the Cooperative principle maxim In Stylistics?
 In it, we must assume that both people in a conversation are cooperating.
What is code-switching?
Speakers of more than one language are known for their ability to code-switch. It is the use of more than one language
Define Discourse analysis?
Discourse is a term used to describe the systems we use in communication with others.
Define Graphology?
It is the study of the writing system of a language.
What are the lexical categories?
Following are the categories;
Nouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs.
Define Personification? 
In which poets give human qualities to an animal, object, or idea. for example; The flowers danced on the lawn.
What is onomatopoeia? 
The use of words whose sounds suggest their meanings.
The Buzz of the bee.
The bang of a Gun.
What is the maxim of manner? 
In it always avoid the ambiguity of expressions. Always be brief.
Define maxim of quality? 
Always say what is true don't say anything that you believe is false, or you cannot defend.
Define maxim of quantity? 
Always give information that is required. Don't exaggerate any statement.
Define maxim of relevance? 
Always say things that are relevant to the topic under discussion.
Define Narrative?
 A Narrative is a story. It can be fictional or non-fictional.
Define Dramatic conventions?
Dramatic conventions are vital techniques the writers and the director has employed to create a desired dramatic effect style.
Define Autonomy?
 Autonomy is a concept found in moral, political, philosophy.
What is the process in Stylistics?
 Processes are the happenings or states of affairs represented in a clause. They are realized by verb phrases (went, started, drank)
Define Participants? 
Participants are those elements that denote who or what is directly involved in the process. They are typically realized by noun phrases.
What is the point of view? 
In Stylistics It refers to who is telling a story or who is narrating it.
Differentiate between text context?
The text is an object that can be read. It can be a book or other written material. while context, the environment in which the text is read, environment may be social and political.
What do you know about Expressive and commissive speech?
Expressive: this speech act includes saying thank you.
Commissive: Commissive speech act bids the speaker about saying swear, threaten, etc.
What is the modality in Stylistics?
 It is about a speaker's or writer's attitude towards the World.
What is foregrounding? 
It means to highlight anything, idea, or concept. There are four forces of foregrounding interpretation, repetition, deviation, parallelism.
What do you know about the term Emphatic deixis? 
It shows the emotional or psychological connection between speaker and listener.
What is Discourse? 
In linguistics, A unit of language longer than a single sentence is called discourse.
How can you describe deviation? 
The deviation starts when we have a set of rules which are broken in some way, For example, this Line has just changed so because of it our expectations and set of rules have broken this is called deviation. 
What are the types of deviation? 
Lexical deviation
Grammatical deviation
Phonological deviation
Graphological deviation.
What is style? 
The style is a way of showing the function of language. It is a way of catching attention.
What are the types of context?
 A context can be literary, biographical text, Historical text, political text.
Define Rhetoric? 
The art of speaking or writing effectively. In which the speaker motivates his audiences.
What are the types of rhetorical devices? 
Allusion, Alliteration, metaphor, hyperbole.
Define oxymoron?
A Rhetorical figure in which contradictory terms combine.for example ;
Cruel -kindness.
Small -Crowd.
What is a register? 
A language according to the profession is called register.
What is Deconstruction? 
It is a form of philosophical and literary analysis. It is the philosophy of meaning.
Define Introspection? 
Introspection is the process of observing and reflecting on one's thoughts, feelings, or states.
What do you understand by Genre in Stylistics? 
It means kind or form and it refers to major types of Literature. Poetry, drama, novel.
What are the types of Stylistics?
 Literary Stylistics.
Linguistics Stylistics.

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