Thursday 14 June 2018

Research Methodology

Define Research Methodology? In this type of research.research is done systematically and theoretically.
Define semi structured questionnaire or Partially structured
It is the type of questions in which subject has to face mixed approach towards the answer. A question is given in a simple way but the subject has to face different choices. In which he has to choose a correct
answer according to question.
For Example,
Why you visit Yasir Qadri's Blog :)?

A.For info B.For timepaC.For motivation.
Define research?
It is an organized way of finding answers to questions.
How many types of research?
Basic Research
Applied research
Qualitative research
Quantitative research
Descriptive research
What is Basic research?
The purpose of the basic research is to find the start of the problem it also expands research knowledge.
Define Applied research?
Its purpose is to solve problems and give solutions.It is the application of pure research.
Differentiate between Exploratory and Explanatory Research?
Exploratory research aims at gaining information about an issue while explanatory research aims at explaining social relations and events.
Define Cor-relational Research?
Cor-relational Research cite to the systematic investigation.
Define Contingency Questions?
It is the type of questions that are answered if the subject gives a the specific answer to a previous question.
For example: Do you have computer knowledge?
A. Yes, B.No; if yes how long have you been using, From month.,
From last six years.....

What is ethnographic research?
In this type of  research in which researcher investigates the culture and tradaitons with help of reagrding memebers .

Define questionnaire?
It is a set of questions asked to gather information from individuals.
Define non-structured questions?
It is the type of questions in which respondents are asked to write their response to a question.
For example:  Why you read Yasir
Qadri's Blog? Your answer should be
in detail...

Define Grounded theory research?
It is the type of research used to discover problems in given social areas.
What are the qualities of a good researcher?  He should be a seeker of knowledge.
Should be a systematic worker.

Should have keen Observation .

He should have independent thinking.
Define research report?
It is a written document. In the research, proposal report should be free from mistakes.
What is a hypothesis? 
The hypothesis should explain the facts and it is considered the important weapon of research.
Its purpose is to give new ideas.

Define survey? 
It is a way of gathering information by asking people the different set of questions.
What are the tools of Survey?
Following are the tools, interviews,web,mailed questionnaire and Questionnaire,

Define interview? 
It is a meeting of two people exchanging ideas through questions and answer.

Describe the types of interviews? 
These are the types of interviews,
Personal interview
Telephone interview
Semi-structured interview
Stress interview
Jobs related
Define data collection?
It is a specific way of collecting data.
Define Secondary Data? 
In Secondary data, Data is recorded and gathered by an unknown person.
What is the Observational method? It is the kind of observation which is based on observation.
What are the advantages of action research?
Following are the benefits ;
Improved communications.
Focus on school issues and problems.
Improve Critical thinking.
How we collect qualitative data?
The basic methods for collecting qualitative data are;
Individual interviews.
Focus groups
Action Research.
Describe the different types of research?
Types of Research;
Basic Research
Applied Research
Problem-oriented research
Quantitative Research
Qualitative Research
How to write a research proposal?
Write Introduction.
Background and Significance and a suitable ending.
Describe the approaches to qualitative research?
There are five approaches to qualitative research.
Grounded Theory
Case Study.

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