Monday 2 July 2018

Aristotle Poetics short Questions

What is the function of the plot in tragedy?
The plot indicates an imitation of actions of life.

How do you say that poetry is higher than in history?
As poetry expressed the universal, not the particular fact as history, poetry can be more philosophical and higher.

What are the two natural causes of actions?
Character and thought.

How did Aristotle divide six elements of tragedy in three parts?
According to Aristotle Spectacle is the manner, and Plot, character, thought are the
objects, Language and melody are the media.

Which type of plot did Aristotle refer to as bad and why?
A simple plot consists of episodic form, is the worst because it does not have an inevitable sequence.

Which emotions should the audiences feel through characters in a well-organized tragedy?
Pity, fear, and sympathy.

What are the 6 elements of tragedy?
Plot, character, thought, diction, music, spectacle.

Which element of tragedy is most important?

What is Catharsis?
Catharsis is the purification and purgation of emotions.

What is a reversal in tragedy?
Reversal” the turning point in a drama after which the plot moves steadily to its denouement.

What is recognition in tragedy?
An anagnorisis or recognition " it is a change from ignorance to knowledge"

What was Aristotle's most beloved tragedy?
Oedipus the king.

In what three ways does Aristotle differentiate various art forms from one another?
By the medium, objects, and manner of imitation.

Aristotle explains that the medium-specific to poetry is one that uses what?
Language alone.

How does Aristotle differentiate poetry from prose?
Poetry uses rhythm in the form of the meter.

The object poetry portrays is what, according to Aristotle?
Men in action.

What is the feature of language in tragedy?
Tragedy has rhythm and melody, not narrating the situation too much.

Which is the required quality of characters in tragedy?
Characters do not experience situations by extreme personality, neither being pre-eminent in virtue and justice nor falling into misfortune through vice or depravity.

What does Aristotle consider art to be?
Aristotle considers art to be an imitation of life.

What is poetic unity?
All plot events of a poem connect and revolve around a central idea.

What are Aristotle's traits of a tragic hero?
Here, we have basic characteristics of a tragic hero, as explained by Aristotle:

Hamartia: A tragic flaw that causes the downfall of a hero.
Hubris: It means disrespect for the natural order of things or excessive pride
Peripeteia: It means, the reversal of fate that the hero experiences.

How does Aristotle define a tragic hero?
Aristotle says, that a hero of a tragedy must evoke in the audience a sense of pity or fear. He should be from a noble family.

How many types of poetry according to poetic? 
There were three: tragedy, epic, and comedy.

Define the Manner of Poetic imitation?
According to Aristotle Poetry is the medium of imitation, it means a form of art that represents life. Poetry imitates by representing character, emotion, action.

What is Aristotelian criticism?
A critical theory, doctrine, or approach based upon the method used by Aristotle in the Poetics, implying a formal, logical approach to literary analysis that is centered on the work itself.

Define Literary criticism?
The art or practice of judging and commenting on the qualities and character of literary works.

Define the term 'mock-epic.
Mock-epic, it is also known as mock-heroic poetry it presents satire, which means that it uses irony, exaggeration.

What difference does Aristotle find between history and poetry?
Basically, Aristotle felt there was more philosophical substance to poetry than in history. He felt that man could express and learn from poetry in a way that he cannot from history. Poetry reaches the higher senses of mans' capabilities. Poetry infuses the abstract and the essence of enlightenment: history merely conveys information.

What is the climax of a drama?
It is a Greek word which means ladder turning point of a drama.

What is the importance of plot in tragedy?
Aristotle argues that, among the six formative elements, the plot is the most important element. He writes in The Poetics. By plot, Aristotle means the arrangement of incidents. By Incidents it means action.

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1.Summary of Aristotle Poetics Chapter 1 to 6 in Urdu

2.Aristotle Poetics Chapter 7 to 15

3.Aristotle's theory of imitations in Urdu l Aristotle Concept of Imitation l Theory of Mimesis

4.Aristotle Concept of Tragedy in Urdu l Six elements of Tragedy

5.Plato Views about Poetry | Criticism On Poetry and Drama | Aristotle Defence of Poetry |

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