Friday 6 July 2018

Philip Sydney 'An Apology for Poetry'

What are the changes made by Stephen Gosson against poetry? • Poetry is a misuse of time.
• Poetry has all the Lies in fact it is the mother of lies.
• Plato did the right thing to banished all the Poets from his ideal world. Poetry is the way of treat badly

What was the answer of Sydney on this statement'' Poetry is a misuse of time''?
Poetry is the way of gaining knowledge. it gives teaches awareness and it is the only way to education.

What was Sydney's explanation on this statement 'Poetry has all the Lies'? He says poets do not lie because they never declare that their fiction is true and says poetic truths are always universal.

How Sydney explain this 'poetry is the way to treat badly '? He says poetry is not the way to treat badly but it is the people who abuse poetry and treat badly
How Sidney defends Plato statement about banishing the poets from the Republic? He defends by saying that "Plato banishes0 the abuse of poetry not the poets in his Republic. Plato had also wanted to banish those poets who were not able to instruct the children.
What is the purpose of Art according to Sidney? According to him, the purpose of art should be teaching and it should give pleasure to his readers.
Why Sydney favors poetic justice? He favors poetic justice because in this type of justice good people are rewarded and bad People are punished.

When was an apology for poetry written? An apology for Poetry was written in the Elizabethan era in 1585. it is considered the first critical text in English literary criticism.
Why Sydney wrote an apology for poetry? He wrote this to answer Stephen Gosson's allegations against poetry. He defended the sacred values of poetry.

What word used for the 'poet' in Greek? The word poet came from the Greek word 'Poiein' which mean 'to make' therefore a poet is a maker.

What according to Sidney Vates stands for? It came from the Romans and it means a diviner or a Prophet.

Describe the kinds of poetry according to Sidney? • Religious Poetry
• Philosophical Poetry
• Imitative poetry

What according to Sidney poetry is? According to him, poetry is a book of life, a speaking picture of society. it teaches ethics, manners, respect, and love for the natural world.
What are the views of Sydney about philosophy? Sydney says against philosophy, that it is for well-educated people .it is not easy for a common man to understand poetry. Poetry teaches the same ideas of philosophy which are in simple language and for a common man.
What Sydney says about History? He says history is a bond for past is not imaginative. while poetry is an open book. it has Universal appeal.

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