Tuesday 1 September 2020

Age of Chaucer MCqs

Online Test result Keys (Age of Chaucer)

1. Who is the father of the heroic couplet?

2. Who is the father of English poetry and Literature?
C.Geoffrey Chaucer

3. Chaucer was born in which year?

4. Valentine's day is associated with Chaucer's works
A. Parliament of fowls

5. Name the king when Chaucer was born
B.Edward III

6. Write the name of the first major work of Chaucer
B.The Book of Duchess

7.Chaucer had written an Elegy for Blanche of Lancaster what is the name of that Elegy
A. The Book of Duchess

8. When did Chaucer start working on canterbury Tales
C. Early 1380

9. Name the writer who has given the title  ''Father of English Poetry'' to Chaucer?

10.In which month pilgrims went to the Pilgrimage in Canterbury Tales

11. How many Battles knight fought in Canterbury tales
C. 15

12. Who was deaf among Canterbury tales Pilgrimages
C.Wife of Bath

13. What Tales does Chaucer tell in  Cantebury Tales
B.Sir Thopas and The Tale of Melibee

14. Who was Parson's brother in Cantrebury Tales

15.Chaucer became a page to which king's daughter-in-law?
A.Édward III

16. Which of these is not certain about Chaucer?
A.his birth date

17.Which of these kings was not served by Chaucer?

18.What was the duratión of hundred year's war?
B.1337 to 1453

19.One of Chaucer's daughter was  
C.A nun

20.In which year Chaucer was imprisoned by the French?
A. 1360

21.Chaucer was fined in 1367 or 1366 for,
A.beating a friar in a London street

22.Chaucer was made in-charge of many palaces, which of these was not in his charge?
D.Buckingham Palace

23.Confessio Amantis,Mirror de I' omme,Vox Clamantis were written by which writer,
C.John Gower 

24.Who is the morning star of the renaissance?
C. Chaucer

25.What is the moral of the Nun's Priest tale?
B.Never trust a Flatterer

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