Wednesday 2 September 2020

Grand Test of Renaissance age (Part 1)

1. Who is the writer of Faerie Queen?
(a) Milton
(b) Ben Jonson
(c) Spenser
(d) None of the above

2. Who is known as poet's poet?
(a) Shakespeare
(b) Spenser 
(c) Sidney
(d) Both a & b

3.Pinpoint the chief defects of Spenser's poetry,
(a) Lack of humour
(b) Want of dramatic constructive power
(c) Loose and diffused style
(d) All of above

4.Sir Philip Sidney is the writer of 
(a) Apology for poetry
(b) An Epilogue for poetry
(c) Defence of Poetry
(d) None

5. Shakespearean sonnet is comprises
(a) 14 lines
(b) 10 lines
(c) 12 lines
(d) 15 lines

6. Elizabethan age is marked with
(a) Adventurous spirit
(b) Best Expression in drama
(c) Both a & b
(d) None of above

7.Mark any of the predecessors of Shakespeare in the drama
(a) Robert Greene
(b) George
(c) Lyly
(d) All of the above

8. Most of the predecessors of Shakespeare in the drama are known as the university wit. They are known by that name because they belong to
(a) Oxford
(b) Both a & c
(c) Cambridge
(d) None of above

9. Christopher Marlowe was one among
(a) University wits
(b) Cambridge philosophers
(c) Unique dramatists
(d) None of above

10.Which one is Allegory?
(a) Dr. Faustus
(b) Hymns
(c) The Faerie Queen
(d) None of above

11.In the merchant of Venice the name of Jew is
(a) Antonio
(b) Shylock
(c) Bassanio
(d) None of above

12.To be or not to be that is the question which precedes it.
(a) It is nobler in the mind to suffer
(b) It is justified to luffer
(c)should we suffer 
(d)All of above

13.First regular English comedy was written by Nicholas udall,
a.Grummer Gurton Needle
b.Ferrex and Porrex
c.Ralph Roster Doister

14.First English poetry of the renaissance known as,
a. Shakespearean Sonnets
b.On His blindness
c.Tottel's Miscellany

15. Along with the high dramatic genius, Shakespeare was a great
(a) Prose writer
(b) Elegies
(c) Writer of odes
(d) Writer of Sonnets

16.Tick the disguise plày
(a) Merchant of venice
(b) Twelfth night
(c) All's well that ends well
d) All of the above

17. There is a divinity that shapes our ends
Rough-new in them how we will' these lines in Hamlet refer to
(a) Role of fate in drama
(b) Character is destiny
(c) Chance
(d) Accident

18.What is soul of tragedy?
(a) Exceptional sufferings
(b) Conflict
(c) Total destruction at the end
(d) All of above

19.Shakespeare's comedies are set in
(a) Natural and romantic surroundings
(b) Away from the din and bustle of city life
(c) Essentially in social settings
(d) Both a & b

20. In the comedies of Shakespeare, the element of evil softened the romantic surrounding in the merchant of Venice it.
(a) Escape of Jessica
(b) Loss of shylock
(c) Casket tied fate of Portia
(d)Fatal bond of Antonio

21. As these two wanton boys are we to gods they kill us for their sport' These lines are found in
(a) King Lear
(b) Dr. Faustus
(c) Hamlet
(d) Macbeth

22.How many historical plays are written by Shakespeare?
(a) 10
(b) 16
(c) 15
(d) 20

23.Viola is heroin of
(a) Merchant of Venice 
(b) Macbeth
(c) As you like it
(d)None of the above

24. Shakespeare tragedies are marked with
(a) Absence of Poetic Justice
(b) Scenes of murder and kill
(c) Both a&b
(d)None of the above 

25.What type of non-rhymed poetry did Christopher Marlowe pioneer?
(A)Blank verse
(b)Trochaic Heptameter
(C)The sonnet
(d)Free-flow verse

26.Elizabeth and Mary I belonged to what royal family?
(c) Stuart
(D) Plantagenet

27.Which English king had several of his wives killed in his obsessive quest for a male heir? (A) Edward VI
(b)Richard III
(c) Henry VIH
(d) George III

28. What religion was Mary I?
(A) Catholic

29.Who succeeded Elizabeth I?
(A) Mary Queen of Scots
(b) James I
(d)Charles I

30.Which language did young Elizabeth learn in secret?

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