Thursday 3 December 2020

Ode to Autumn Poem by John Keats

                Ode to Autumn Short Questions

When Ode to Autumn was published?
It was Originally published in 1820. 

How does the poet make himself happy?
The poet says when ever he is dejected, he make himself happy by seeing the blooming rose; the sun rays falling on the sand; and by looking in the depth of
the beloved's eyes with hand in hand.

What does the poet compare with day and melancholy?
The poet compares the day with the night and melancholy with beauty. He says these all walk together for ever.

According to Keats, who can get happiness?
According to Keats one can get happiness by tasting sorrows; to him the goddess of melancholy and the god of happiness live in the same temple.

What is the change in apple trees in autumn?
With the arrival of the autumn, the apple trees are full of ripe apples; all fruits are full of juice. The branches of apple trees hang with the load of apples.

Which fruits does the poet describe in "Ode to Autumn'?
The poet describes the fruits like apple, plump and its gourd in "Ode to Autumn".

What do the bees think about autumn?
The bees think that autumn will never go; but the reality is that every one has to leave this world either it is human being or the cycle of the seasons.

What does the poet think about Poppy?
The poet thinks that the fragrance of Poppy fumes the person. It means that poppy is a powerful flower that dominates other like the other objects of nature.

How does the poet describe Autum?
The poet describes that autumn comes with the arrival of fist every where; The fruits start ripping; there are no leave on trees in autumn.

What does the poet link to autumn?
The poet links autumn with The ripping of fruits with the sun rays and the arrival of the autumn. So to Keats autumn is a friend of the sun.

Which animals does the poet describe in the poem?
The poet describes the different effects of autumn on swallow, Red-breast, crickets, lambs and Gnats.

What does the poet forbid to do?
The poet forbids drinking the water of Lethe; to drink wolf's bane; and to not make rosary from yellow- berries.

Whom does the poet not want to make his friend?
The poet does not want to make sorrows and suffering his friend; he advises others to be away from all type of such feelings.

What does the poet say about melancholy?
The poet says that as the cloud gives the new life to the crops, in the same way melancholy refreshes the heart.

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