Friday 4 December 2020

Ode To The Nightingale Short Questions

Ode To The Nightingale by John Keats

Which wine does the poet want to drink?
The poet wants to drink wine that has been put under the deep delved earth; this kind of wine is considered the strongest form of the wine.

Which thing does the poet will remember after drinking the strong wine?
The poet thinks that he will remember after drinking the strong wine, the flowers with which the wine is

What does the poet imagine when he is drunken?
The poet imagines the dances of Provence, a city of France when he is drunken; he also sees the walking
farmers in the sun.

Why does the poet want to drink wine?

The poet is much worried at the death of his brother; he wants to forget the worries and carries of his daily life by drinking wine.

What does the poet wish to avoid his daily problems?
The poet wishes to run away with the Nightingale; he would fly with him and hid himself in the darkness of woods.

What does the poet say to Nightingale?
The poet says to the Nightingale that she is not aware of worldly worries; he thinks him a lucky bird that only knows happiness.

Which human disease does the poet share with the Nightingale?
The poet tells the Nightingale about the human diseases like gray hair, Palsy and armature old age; he says that the world is the place where youth becomes pale.

What does the poet wants in the world?
The poet wants to get for ever happiness in the world; he wants to see the things durable; he longs for the ever ending happiness.

How does the voice of Nightingale effect the poet?
The poet becomes senseless whenever he hears the sound of the nightingale. He feels as if he had drunk Hemlock or taken opium; he feels as he had drunk the water of Lethe-wards.

What is the effect of the Nightingale's voice on the poet?
The poet is upset and sitting in a dejected mood; suddenly, he hears the voice of the Nightingale; he becomes happy to hear the sound.

Why does the poet prefer poesy to chariot driven by loin and tigers?
The poet prefers poesy to chariot driven by loin and tigers because he wishes to flee from this world with
the help of viewless wings of the poetry.

Whom does the poet considers a stone in his way?
The poet considers his mind a stone in his way; his mind creates problems for him as he feels and thinks with the help of it.

Where is the poet sitting when he hears the Nightingale singing?
The poet is sitting under the trees in the darkness; it is night and the moon is on the sky. The moon light is

How does the poet feel among the flowers?
As the poet is sitting in darkness, he cannot see the flowers but he smells their fragrance. It is May and
there is spring all around the poet.

What kind of flower Musk- Rose is?
Musk-Rose is the first flower of spring season; according to the poet, it is full of dewy wine.

Why does the poet is unable to leave this world?
The poet wants to get rid of this world but he is erected and cannot leave it. He is waiting for death.

What does the poet say to Nightingale?
The poet asks to the Nightingale to go on singing though he is himself near death. This shows his love for the bird.

What does the poet declare the bird?
The poet declares the nightingale an immortal bird. He says him so because of his immortal voice that he has been listening since his childhood.

When does the voice of the bird make happy to the people?
The voice of the bird makes happy to the people in past, in present and in future in their lives.

Who brought happiness on 
face of Ruth in the time of trouble?
The nightingale made Ruth happy when she was in trouble and was weeping in the maize fields.

Where is the magic casement situated?
The magic casement is situated on the perilous seas where according to the poet the imprisoned princesses listened the voice of the Nightingale.

What does the poet feel when he come out of imagination?
The poet feels the voice of the bird going farther when he comes out of imagination. He thinks whether he was sleeping or waking.

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