Thursday 10 December 2020

Tintern Abbey Poem by William Wordsworth Short Questions

Tintern Abbey  
by William Wordsworth

Where is Tintern Abbey located?
It is located in Welsh county of Monmouthshire.

When Tintern Abbey written?
The poem was written in 1798.

In which poetic form Tintern Abbey is written?
Tintern Abbey is written in imabic pentameter and composed in Blank verse.

What is the complete title of the Poem Tintern Abbey?
The complete title of the Poem is " Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey".

Where does the poet go?
The poet goes to Tintern Abbey, a church that is located in the southern Welsh county of Monmouthshire.Tinrern Abbey is situated on the banks of the River Wye.

What difference does the poet feel. after the five years have passed?
The poet feels the difference in his thinking when he visits the place after five years. He is mature enough now and looks at the nature with broader eyes. He
ponders upon his childish thought when he came here five years ago.

What does the poet call the place?
The poet calls the place his friend and his sister. He says that nature has taught him and he groomed in her harms. He is always happy when he comes to see the

What is the structure of the poem?
The poem is a monologue. It is written in blank verse using iambic pentameter. The language of the poem is simple and easily understandable.

When Poet visited the Tintern Abbey?
He has visited this place in 1793 and now after five years he is visiting the place again.

What does the poet feel at Tintern Abbey?
The poet is full of joy and happiness whenever he goes to visit Tintern Abbey. He has visited this place five years ago and now he remembers his good times he had passed on that place. He tells us how nature guided him in his boyhood and groomed his mentality.

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