Monday 7 December 2020

Church Going by Philip Larkin Short Questions

Church Going by Philip Larkin 

Which thing was in the container?
There was sacred water in the container that was lying by the wall of the church.

What do you mean by a desk?
The desk means the place where the bishop sits and recites the verses from the Bible. In a mosque a Molvi gives sermon at such place.

What does the poet recite in the church?
The poet recites some verses from the Bible in a loud tone; it looks like the Azan Allama Iqbal gave at Qartaba Mosque.

What does the poet feel when he recites the verses of the Bible?
The poet hears the resound of the verses which he recites; he feels as if some one were laughing at him by mocking him.

Where does the poet signs when he returns from the church?
The poet signs the book that is there for writing comments. The book is available outside the main door of the church.

What does the poet drop in the charity box?
The poet drops a six pence coin in the charity box of the church; this shows that the poet is well aware of the manners that are required for attending such place.

Why does the poet leave the church soon?
The poet leaves the church soon because he thinks it is not a worth stopping place. There is stuffy and divested atmosphere in the church.

Does the poet take any advantage for going in the church?
No, the poet does not take any advantage for going in the church. Rather he thinks he wasted his time by going there.

What is, according to Larkin, the purpose of building a church?
According to Larkin, the purpose of building a church is to offer religious duties. If the people do not come to offer prayers in the church there is no need of building it.

What place the church will be if the people do not go there to worship?
If the people do not go to the church to worship; it will become like a museum. In such museum there will be religious relics in the glass showcase.

What will be the condition of the churches that are situated in farfetched areas?
The churches that are situated in the farfetched are as will turn into divested building and there will be weeds, bushes and grass everywhere.

What will the people think about the ruined churches?
The people will take the ruined churches as ghost houses; they will think it like unlucky places.

What will the women use to do in the ruined churches?
The women without identity will visit the ruined churches with their children to touch the sacred stone so as to get them healthy.

What will, according to Larkin, happen when the people will ignore the church?
According to Larkin, when the people will ignore the churches, the religion would have not control over society; then superstitions will rule the world.

Why do the people will not find the church on their next visit?
The people will not be able to find the church on their next visit because the bushes hide it within week.

Who will be the last visitor of the church?
According to Larkin, the last visitor of the church may be any worshiper, a clergy or some Christmas celebrator.

Which ceremonies are held in the church now a days?
The ceremonies held in the church today are the birth ceremony, marriage ceremony and the death funeral.

Why does the poet declare the church as a store?
The poet declares the church as a store because it is ill smelling like a grain store as we see in our farm houses.

What is the real aim of building a church?
The real aim of building a church is to purify the souls of the sinners; to solve the worldly problems in the light of the religion; to solve the psychological problems.

Is Larkin an optimistic or a pessimistic?
Larkin is an optimistic when he says that the church will remain important in the life of the people. He hopes that the church will be used for the purpose
was made.

What is the condition of the church when the poet enters in it?
There is no any ceremony in progress in the church when the poet enters in it. There is darkness in every nook and corner of the church.

What does the poet see in the church?
The poet sees matting floor, seats and stones and the copies of the Bible in the church when he enters in it.

What was the condition of the flowers in the church?
The flowers in the church were withered; its color had turned into brownish from pink. It was so because during the week days no one visited it.

Why there are musical instruments in the church?
The musical instruments are there in the church to produce music at the time of prayers. It is tradition in Christianity to sing religious songs along with the

What was the atmosphere in the church?
The church atmosphere was mysterious. There was silence and the atmosphere was tense and musty.

How does the poet cover his head before going in the church?
The poet has no hat so he takes off the clips of his cycle and manages to cover his head with it.

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