Tuesday 5 January 2021

Hymn to intellectual Beauty short Questions

Hymn to intellectual Beauty

When Hymn to intellectual Beauty  was published?
It was published  in 1817.

What is the Rhyme scheme of the poem?
The rhyme  scheme of the poem is ABBAACCBDDEF.

What according to poet the shadow of strange is?
The poet says that there is a shadow of a strange power that floats all over the world.

What is the spirit of beauty according to poet?
According to poet the spirit of beauty is the strange shadow.

What nourishes human thought?
Spirit of beauty. 

Why was the reason the poet want the spirit of beauty never to leave him?
The poet wants the spirit of beauty never to leave him because he wanted to be an immortal. He does not want to die.

How does the Intellectual beauty fell on Shelley?
Shelley says, when he was in his youth , he was  search of spiritual reality, the shadow of Intellectual Beauty suddenly fell on him.

What do you now about the structure of the poem?
The poem is consisting of seven stanzas of twelve lines each. The first four lines of each stanza are written in pentameter. The fifth line in hexameter, the sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, and eleventh lines in tetrameter. The twelfth line in pentameter.

What does the poet mean by spirit of beauty?
The poet says that there is a shadow of strange power that floats over the world and then enters in human body. It goes out in a mysterious way. The poet calls it the spirit of beauty.

What, according to Shelley is constant part of man?
According to the poet, the Spirit of Beauty be the constant part of man, he may be immortal and omnipotent. If this spirit is with him, he will need no other spirit.

What would happen if Intellectual beauty will not present in the world?
Shelley is of the view that if Intellectual beauty will not present in the world then death would be an experience to be feared.

Why does the poet withdraw from his idea about spirit of beauty?
The poet wants to know about the idea of spirit of beauty why does it goes out. He is satisfied with the idea that one can't ask rainbow why it comes and goes.

What other human spirit the poet talks about?
The poet talks about other human spirit that also come and go like the spirit of beauty. These are love and hate, despair and hope that exist in a man once and then disappear with in no time.

What thing gives grace to human life?
According to the poet, the light of the Spirit of Beauty gives grace and truth to the restless dream of life.

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