Wednesday 6 January 2021

The Cloud Poem by P.B Shelley short questions

The Cloud

When the poem Cloud was published?
It was published in the years 1819 or 1820.

Name the collection of Poems in which the Cloud was published?
It is also a part of Shelley's collection Prometheus Unbound.

According to poet what purpose does cloud fulfills?
It fulfills the purpose of Shade.

What does the poet tell about the functions of a cloud?
The poet tells about the different functions of a cloud. He says that the cloud is the cycle of water and plant life. The poet says that the cloud brings rain, moisture, hail, and snow. It also fulfills the purpose of shade.

Who gives life to Plants?
Clouds give new life to the plants by raining over them.

What does the cloud bring?
The cloud brings rain to provide water. It also brings moisture in summer.

Does Cloud bring hail and storms?
Yes, It also brings hail and snow storms.

How the cloud saves us from the sunlight?
The cloud saves us from sunlight by covering the sun with itself. It not only provides human beings with shelter but also to the vegetable and plants.

How does the cloud give lightening?
The cloud gives lightening when it is part of a storm. When two clouds strike with each other, so bright light is seen followed by a great thunder.

Why there is rainbow on the sky after rain?
There is a rainbow on the sky after the rain. It is because when the sunlight falls on edges of the cloud, the water drops over it work like a prism and thus rainbow is created.

What is the structure of the poem?
The poem is consisting of six stanzas of fourteen lines each. It is a lyric, written in anapestic meter, alternating in line lengths between tetrameter, and trimester.

What is the Rhyme scheme of the poem Cloud?
The rhyme scheme of the poem is ABAD , CDCD, EFEF.

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