Thursday 7 January 2021

To a Skylark by Pb Shelley short Questions

To a Skylark

What does Skylark means?
It is a Shelley's romantic ode to a small songbird which he believed embodied happiness and Joy.

What are the themes of the poem Skylark?
  • man and the natural world
  • Sadness
  • Happiness
  • Power of Nature 
When Skylark was Published?

With whom does the poet compare the skylark?
As the cloud float over our heads, the skylark also remains over us. He also compares the bird with moonlight rays that are just felt.

What does the poet want skylark to do for him?
The poet wants skylark to help him in propagating his ideas in the world through his songs. It is because his voice is heard by everyone. If he will help the poet his revolutionary ideas comprehended in all over the world.

What does the poet declare to the skylark?
The poet declares the skylark a blessed spirit for its song comes from Heaven. As it is from heaven, its song touches heart.

What does the poet say about its song?
The poet says that the song of skylark is so sweet but is seems full of sadness. The reason he presents that our sweetest song is that that pours from our sadness. The poet compares the skylark with that of a cloud of fire because of its high flight.

What is the structure of the poem To a Skylark?
The poem is consisting of twenty one stanzas with five lines in each. It is a lyric. The first four lines of it are metered in trochaic trimester. And the fifth is metered in iambic hexameter. 

What is the quality of skylark?
The quality of the skylark is that though we can't see it, yet we can hear his sweat melody. It remains in our minds because of its sweet voice and melodies.

What does the skylark symbolize?
The skylark symbolizes imagination and happiness because we can't see him yet we are happy to hear its sweet voice. In other words, whenever we hear him we imagine him in our minds.

What is the effect of the voice of skylark on the people?
The effect of the voice of skylark on the people is very pleasant. Anyone, who hears it, is highly impressed by its sweet voice.

What is the role of skylark in the beauty of the universe?
The skylark is the necklace of the universe. Though there are clouds, the stars, the moon and the sun over the sky to add its beauty but the Skylark is dominant over all of them because of its excellent tune and soothing voice.

What is the Rhyme scheme of To a Skylark?
The rhyme scheme of each stanza is ABABB.

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