Friday 8 January 2021

The Wild Swans at Coole short questions

The Wild Swans at Coole

When it was published?
 It was written around in 1916 and early 1917, it was published in 1917.

What is the setting of the poem?
The poem has the setting near a lake in the woods in Coole Park, in County Galway from Ireland.

What does the poet see in the Coole Lake?
When he goes out for a walk, he sees swans and he is happy to see them in peace and calm. He considers them the essential part of the scene.

How many swans were there at Coole Lake?  
Poet sees fifty nine swans sailing on mirror like water of Coole Lake.
What are main themes of the poem?
The main themes of the poem are Nature, Aging and Immortality. The poet appreciates the nature and contrasts the changes, time has brought in his physic.Then he turns to immorality of the nature and yearns to be part of it.

How does Yeats appreciate the beauty of nature?
He says, as he opens the poem, he sees the trees "in their autumn beauty". He appreciates the beauty of nature when he compares the lake water to a mirror, swans sailing with no change for the last nineteen years. He also mentions the routine of their happiest flights with no change.

What does the poet think when he sees swans in the lake?
The poet goes into past when he sees swans sailing in the lake. He remembers that nineteen years before he had seen them on the same place. He further thinks how time has brought changes in his life.

Why Yeats is upset when he compares himself with those of swans?
Yeats is upset when he compares himself with those of swans. It is because of his old age. In the last nineteen years, there are so many changes in his physic and mind. He has grown old. His heart is not as young as it was before but he sees no changes in swan's routine.This thing makes him worry and he wishes to be immortal like swans.

What do know about the structure of the poem?
The poem is consisting of five stanzas. There are six lines in each stanza. . The poet uses iambic meter in this poem. The first and third lines are written in tetrameter and the second, fourth, and sixth lines are written in trimester whereas the fifth line is written in pentameter.

What is the rhyme scheme of the poem?
The rhyme scheme of the poem is ABCBDD

Where does the poet see Swans in his real life?
The poet sees swans in his real life when he goes for a walk to the lake at Augusta 'Gregory's Coole Park residence. He remembers his past memory of the scene and it to the changes that have occurred in the compares last nineteen years.

Does the poet feel any change in routine of swans after passing of nineteen years?
No, the poet does not find any change in the routine of swans even after passing of nineteen years. They are still jolly. They enjoy group flight, gathering and sail together as they used to do nineteen years ago.

Why does the poet call the swan Mysterious creatures?
The poet calls the swan mysterious creatures because of their unchanged routine of life. He sees no effect of time and tide on their life. Their hearts are still young. They are jolly as usual. There is no jealousy among them. They never fight. They seem mummy like creature that has no effect of seasons and time.

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