Friday 15 January 2021

Waiting for Godot short questions

Waiting for Godot 
Play by Samuel Beckett

Where do Vladimir and Estragon standing?
Vladimir and Estragon are standing on dry and rocky earth place. Beside them there is a leafless tree.

What we calculate from their conversation?
We calculate from their conversation that they are waiting for Godot. But it is interesting to know that
both the persons are unaware to whom they are waiting.

What are their activities while standing near by a leafless tree?
They act like insane persons. At one moment they are serious and on the other they look like fools. Their activities are quiet strange.

Who are the new comers that come to meet Vladimir and Estragon?
The new comers are Pozzo and Lucky who come to meet Vladimir and Estragon.

What special we see in Pozzo and Lucky?
Pozzo has a rope in his hand and the other end of the rope is tied around Lucky's neck. Lucky obeys the, orders what Pozzo says.

What is the reaction of Vladimir and Estragon?
Vladimir and Estragon are much dejected and express They look deep sorrows. to the boy.

What change we see in Pozzo and Lucky in act II?.

We see that Pozzo is blind and Lucky is a mute and act angry and give no importance in act II. Both help each other in finding way.

Why do Vladimir and Estragon want to commit suicide?
When Vladimir and Estragon come to know that Godot is not coming, they want to commit suicide. But they do not find rope for this purpose and therefore, postpone their will.

What names are given to Vladimir and Estragon?
Vladimir is also called as Didi and Estragon is given the name of Godot in the play.

What does Pozzo do when he take meal?
Pozzo eats chicken and gives bones to Estragon. It seems strange but actually same is the case in the world where we see the elite class enjoying all benefits and left the remaining for the lower class.

What does Estragon try to do?
Estragon tries to pull his shoes off but fails and falls on the ground in his effort to do so. Then Vladimir helps him to pull off the shoes.

What does Estragon ask Vladimir?
Estragon asks Vladimir if he knows gospels. In response, Vladimir gives him a carrot to eat.

What does Estragon take off?
Estragon takes off his belt and ties it with the tree. Estragon and Vladimir pull on with the tree. Soon the belt breaks and they fall on the ground.

Do Vladimir and Estragon go when they want to do?
No, Vladimir and Estragon do not go when they want to do so. They again and again ask each other to go but still stand there. They are waiting for Godot.

What does Vladimir say to Estragon while handing to the tree?
While handing to the tree, Vladimir says to Estragon that they will hang themselves tomorrow unless Godot comes to save them.

What things we see on the stage in the Act II?
We see Estragon's boots and Lucky's hat on the stage in the Act II.

How Estragon stops Vladimir from singing?
Vladimir sings as he enters. He keeps on singing until Estragon shows him his barefoot.

What type of sounds do Vladimir and Estragon hear?
Vladimir and Estragon hear sounds of nature, sounds of dead and especially the sounds of rustling leaves.

Why does Estragon get worried?
Estragon gets worried when he hears Vladimir singing. He is upset that he is in trouble and Vladimir is singing

What change do we see in the tree in Act II?
In Act II, The tree sprouted leaves and Vladimir and Estragon think that the spring season has been started.

Where does Vladimir try to hide Estragon and why?
When Estragon tells Vladimir that Pozzo and Lucky are coming he tries to hide Estragon behind the tree. But the tree is too small to hide him.

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